Gyppo Logger

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The younger generations have a sense of entiltlement. Like they are owed something no matter what. Pride is a rare thing. Think about who this country idolizes. I'm so sick of hearing about **** like Lamar Odom and the kardashians. People who did nothing to become enourmously rich. Even sports figures. Its just a game, but we place that empasis there. Young people just figure they will become rich and famous by being discovered on youtube or some crap. We are a nation of narcissists or have become one for the most part. Everyone does what they want, when they want. Someone will be there to pay right? My youngest sister is 26 and still on my parents insurance even though she hasn't lived at home for 8 years. Christ most of my buddys are just settling down in their early 30s. Its like yer supposed to just screw around until yer at least 30. That is why no one wants to work hard anymore or take any pride in anything. Why would you when you can just lean on the others? We've gotten fat, people. When in Rome.
The "Next Generation Gyppo" will most likely log and mill there own timber as well as market it. When the "value added tax" makes its way into our revenue i dont see that there will be enough $ left in the log to support the Gyppo , the mill and a lumberyard
One owner and one forester from my mill does have their own crews, so essentially thats what they are doing. The logging biz is a seperate entity from the mill, but same owner.
A guy can always attempt to opt out.

Grow yer own food.

Build as much as you can from what is around you.

Barter for what you can't build or grow.

Primative as can be, but no taxes and no money needed, just a decent amount of acreage.

Granted its nearly impossible to live a normal american life... so having some side jobs here and there to make some spending cash to keep the lights on, and buy the occasional pair of pants or what not... But I truly believe that a guy could ignore most of the world politics and live without the rest of the countries support.

Hel there are even micro hydro/wind/solar generation units that can be built on the cheap or free.

Eventually if enough folks say to hel with it, and stop making money for the government to waste on **** we don't need or want, there won't be enough money for the government to wipe its own ass... so they will have to turn all this mess around and fix us... but how long will it take who knows?
lol, there is just a few things i can't figure out to not need money for......but i'm about 2/3 the way there. property tax is a biggie.
There is no opting out. You can try, but gasoline/diesel costs eat into everything. Also property taxes and electricity. You can go solar, but there are up front costs. I live on about $1,500 a month and that is as cheap as I can go. Medical insurance/co-pay is my biggest cost, after that gasoline, then food, then electric & phone bill, then taxes. I have a well and no water bill, and a septic and no sewer bill. I grow a lot of my own food here and trade for other goods. They want to bring sewer and water in here though. Another tax. School bonds here are half the property taxes now. They keep raiding the county funds and then they have an election to raise more levies to pay for school bonds. *sigh*

I was in 3 unions over the years. One was AFL/CIO and the most senior people there did no work. They sat around and challenged management to fire them, which they knew they could not do. The next was a carpenter's union but I quit that after a month. Working on a crew sucked, and it was too dangerous. I went back to being a tree butcher. Later on I was in an engineering union when I worked in aerospace, but we engineers voted the union out because it was always 'go slow' during contract negotiations, and we had deadlines to meet. We also got a better benefit deal from the company and that really ticked off the union, so they went on strike and badgered us and picketed. Then they were all friendly when the contract was signed, but the resentment was always an undertone from both sides. That company had 6 different unions representing workers there. It was always a problem getting anything done. My engineering aid rarely showed up to work. She always called in sick on Mondays. She had seniority, and they could not fire her, even though she was completely incompetent (when she did show up for work).

Several unions have shot themselves in the feet around here lately. They had the huge strike at the Portland docks last year and earlier this year they walked out. So ships were stuck out in the Pacific for months. Then negotiations broke down and the largest shipping company here (Hanjin) pulled out of Portland. Terminal 6 lost 80% of its business overnight. So trucking has increased, traffic on the freeways in and out of Portland have slowed due to the increase in trucking traffic, and well, that's what that strike got us. The economy was held hostage by the dock workers, and the repercussions are still having an impact in importers and exporters. Currently General Distributors, a beer and wine distributor in the PNW is being hit by a Teamsters strike. They had until last week to show up for work or the company said that they will be permanently replaced. Looks like they are all out of their jobs now. Scabs are delivering the goods, and likely they will become permanent employees. My brother runs a bar, and he says that some beers are hard to get now, but he is basically unaffected by the strike.
The younger generations have a sense of entiltlement. Like they are owed something no matter what. Pride is a rare thing. Think about who this country idolizes. I'm so sick of hearing about **** like Lamar Odom and the kardashians. People who did nothing to become enourmously rich. Even sports figures. Its just a game, but we place that empasis there. Young people just figure they will become rich and famous by being discovered on youtube or some crap. We are a nation of narcissists or have become one for the most part. Everyone does what they want, when they want. Someone will be there to pay right? My youngest sister is 26 and still on my parents insurance even though she hasn't lived at home for 8 years. Christ most of my buddys are just settling down in their early 30s. Its like yer supposed to just screw around until yer at least 30. That is why no one wants to work hard anymore or take any pride in anything. Why would you when you can just lean on the others? We've gotten fat, people. When in Rome.
My son is 21 and is umungst a minority for his generation, he works very hard for his half of the company we have created together. I am very proud of him and lucky to have him working with me. And in some part -he is fortunate to be working w/a person whom was trained by an almost forgotten generation. In an earlier post i stated obama care and medicaidand actually ment "blue shield" in place of medicaid. SORRY !!! if we dont as a nation put aside our need to be fed w/the arena that Rome used long ago to subdue our minds it will be to late and the Gyppo will most likely subside till its too late. Franklin said we had a republic at one point and its time we awake and reclaim the Gyppo mentality. ONE BARTER AT A TIME>
Unions protect the lazy man and the people that don't want to work. Anyone that's pro union around here needs a great big truck to haul there ego around in. Piss on the union I'll work my way up from the bottom without the help from them.

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Several large local machine shops have gone union here, One at least is already striking. What they don't understand is that these large shops are just factory's full of unskilled labor pushing out the same ole parts, some dude in india or china could do the same job with minimal training

So the work is being outsourced, for now small shops are getting most of it, since it takes a few months to get overseas shops up to snuff.

The same thing happened in Frisco in the 60's-70's shops first went to contract labor then shipped the work up here to the pnw. Now try getting a job in a Frisco machine shop that pays a decent wage.
In the early 80s I was working for a logging company that had their own trucks. One morning no company trucks showed up on my job, just gypos. The company drivers had decided to organize and voted to go with Teamsters. Bad idea.
The owner of the company locked up every truck he owned. He told the drivers..."You voted for a union and the law says I have to recognize that. I do. You have a union. What you don't have is trucks to drive. No law says I have to run trucks. Enjoy your damn union".
I kinda liked the change. The gypos would show up on time, load to the max, hustle to get an extra load, and didn't complain about every little thing.
The company trucks stayed locked up for over three years and when they came out again they had new paint jobs with a different name on the door. And no union drivers.
you right WT, can't completely drop out. i can minimize my interaction with the rat race however. my place is paid off, we ride in paid off old pickups, all the equipment is paid off. i work kind of how i want to.......but we live accordingly and we don't mind that.
it leaves you in a good feeling at the end of the day when everything went well. "I owe, I owe" is no place to go! feast or famine is the life for me.
you right WT, can't completely drop out. i can minimize my interaction with the rat race however. my place is paid off, we ride in paid off old pickups, all the equipment is paid off. i work kind of how i want to.......but we live accordingly and we don't mind that.

Yes, that is one secret to cutting your expenses, and rather drastically. Pay everything off. That is not so easy to do though. My house, truck, student loans, and credit cards are all paid off. Paying interest to the bank is a killer to many people and they cannot get out from under it. When I was working in the SF Bay area I was making 8 grand a month as an engineer, but the overhead there was insane. My house payments were 2 grand a month after tax deductions, my taxes (income, SS and property) were about 3 grand a month, student loans were another 500 a month, car payments were 500 a month, credit card bills, gas and utilities were another grand a month, leaving me about a grand a month for dates, groceries and beer. There was no getting ahead. The thing that saved me was that my house doubled in value, so I sold it and left the Bay Area when I got laid off well before the housing crash. There was no capital gains tax on the house gains, so I had the money to pay off all my debts, and later buy my house here in foreclosure for dirt with cash and fix it up. I was and am lucky.
look out for you and yours first, **** everyone else.
******* the money changers, the usurious advantage seekers, the wealth concentrators, and anyone who sides with, aspires to become or enables (through apathy or ignorance), these people, WILL be looking "out for you and yours" in one of the best and most sustainable ways possible.

Instead, we put the wrong people up on pedestals, champion the wrong values and then expect to plead ignorance when the proverbial hits the fan and the next generation is wondering why our generation stole so much from them.
The problem with modern America is how people are reimbursed for work. Build something, fix something, haul stuff, or cut stuff down, and you will likely live paycheck to paycheck.
My college roommate works for Goldman Sachs. He owns a 4000sq foot apartment in TriBeCa, a home in Malibu, a home in Hawaii, and a home on Hilton head. He tells people what to do with their money and gets a percentage for that.
The problem with modern America is how people are reimbursed for work. Build something, fix something, haul stuff, or cut stuff down, and you will likely live paycheck to paycheck.
My college roommate works for Goldman Sachs. He owns a 4000sq foot apartment in TriBeCa, a home in Malibu, a home in Hawaii, and a home on Hilton head. He tells people what to do with their money and gets a percentage for that.
? sounds like you should be all ears with your college roommate and a weekly pay check now and then..... that is to further your education on finances.........
Property tax is a crime in my opinion, if I own it why do I have to pay a tax on it so it can be taken away? I can think of at least one country where this is unheard of...

But prop taxes out here amount to about 4 loads of logs after expenses...

Because we have fire depts. and schools and hospitals. Somebody paid taxes when I went to school and I don't mind doing my share--although I didn't think a fancy new casino style sign was needed or a new track and football field but apparently others feel it was necessary....sigh.

It's this mentality of not being part of a community that will come back and bite. We have to pay taxes if we want to keep our country's roads, airports, schools, and all theat stuff going. You might want to crawl into a bunker and live on your own, but I like to have a community/country where folks help each other and don't discriminate.

Why this bummer of a topic anyway? Isn't there enough of it in the political forum? Sheesh, log trucks are moving (a bit too fast for my taste) on my road, the mills are running, I see all the trucks are out in the woods that belong to one of the bigger outfits, that means people are working, and that's a good thing. Such was not the case in 2009.
Because we have fire depts. and schools and hospitals. Somebody paid taxes when I went to school and I don't mind doing my share--although I didn't think a fancy new casino style sign was needed or a new track and football field but apparently others feel it was necessary....sigh.

It's this mentality of not being part of a community that will come back and bite. We have to pay taxes if we want to keep our country's roads, airports, schools, and all theat stuff going. You might want to crawl into a bunker and live on your own, but I like to have a community/country where folks help each other and don't discriminate.

Why this bummer of a topic anyway? Isn't there enough of it in the political forum? Sheesh, log trucks are moving (a bit too fast for my taste) on my road, the mills are running, I see all the trucks are out in the woods that belong to one of the bigger outfits, that means people are working, and that's a good thing. Such was not the case in 2009.

Yes public services are important, but there are other ways to pay for them, threatening folks with being homeless is wrong though. Sales tax, road tax etc. lotterys (that aren't robbed by the state)
yes msP but the roads are horrible and the school is terrible. so where is my tax money being spent? i understand what your saying and you are ever, some thing has gone horribly wrong lately.
My son(15)often gets into hot H2O @ school for speaking his mind so he is taught to say "in my opinion". Here is mine-this whole thread was started from a Wikipedia quote that was full of political reasons as to the current state of the Gyppo. To me and mine a Gyppo is any kind of person whom acquires a product and markets it or works for a piece of the action one piece at a time through volume in the form of weight,scale, or piece. :crazy2::dumb: The Gyppo mentality kinda goes to CHIT with the coming of the hrly wage. when i interview potential help and ask what they are worth the response is usually an hrly rate. Its never "X% of the volume sold,produced,or harvested". When something breaks or a plan fails or stumbles the "Gyppo" fixes the problem asap to gain further production. They often go in early and stay late. they are a fiercely independent-learning through the school of hard knocks. They weld in the rain-plow the snow in the middle of the night-tough it through an injury-ETC.:wtf::givebeer: