I just put a brand new Stihl chain on an 026 yesterday that has just one cutter and depth gauge that are too hard for a file to touch it. Its harder than a file is so I will have to carefully grind it to my profile and grind the depth gauge to suit, maybe the steel will get softer as the outer thickness gets removed.
I hate that. Oregon was always good for having at Ieast one over hardened tooth.
or a few depth gauges. I always file & sharpen out of the box.
Bought a 25' roll of Carlton low pro skip .325
I bought a box of 12, Pferd double bevelled files at $100 a box. (12 yrs ago too) I figured I was going to plug away and learn more on square filing & convert some of that to square.
That whole roll was hard as I've ever seen.
It just started killing those files like nothing.
They have the flat file on them too. Super good flat files but it took a lot to brake the skin.
They put Nicholson's flat files to shame and they are great files.
You may want to try a big bastard file on it.
that will work for the depth gauge.
What file does that call for..3/16 ?
If you have any good course 5/32 it my break through some of the skin. Did you try a brand new file on that tooth?
If it comes down to the grinder then just go slow or use it to start it and should be good to finish with the file & next time.