Happily Married?

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your women must be different over there cos i dont actually know anyone whose happily married.
stole mine from a buddy,purely by accident.I have two jobs,one as an arborist and one as a husband.Any relationship takes work but it can be worth it.Without my wife I would be lost
Originally posted by stephenbullman
i dont actually know anyone whose happily married.
I hear that a lot over here and my answer is, YOu only hear the complaints; it's not cool to gush over how happy you are with your wife becasue the lonely ones get jealous.
I met my wife at church. I am blessed to have found such a wondeful woman. Later, Roger.
What does it mean to be happily married or even happily unmarried?
Sorta like saying, "I'm happy in this patch of bush".
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not talking down to women, since both trees and woman ensure the very air we breathe.
But, what is it? How do people know when they are happily married? Or happily anything for that matter.
Do people just settle and think that's it for me and give up and give in, or does the general population have some certain personality trait that I am devoid of?
See how I so eloquently worded the above? That way even Che' or Crofter can't hammer on me.

Sorta, kinda happily single.
Originally posted by Gypo Logger

Do people just settle and think that's it for me and give up and give in

i'd say you about summed it up there for the most part
After some pondering, I think I can answer my own question. Being happily married is a place where we are content and feel happy getting ahead or simply the feeling of serenity we get by just "being" in a working relationship, as opposed to a place where we can dump our own insecurities and dependancies on someone else. Maybe being happily married is a bit of both.
Sorta like alot of give and take and being able to take both in stride. The thought of shutting oneself off from other horizons is a very scary concept though, since nothing is forever.
Signifigant Other or Mate

very often the "Other" is a validation of your life. Your reason for being. Someone to run your ideas by before you try them on the world. Some people only see themselves in the mirror of another persons reaction. If, for whatever the reason, you aren't getting good reflections, you won't be together long!

Good reflections are more important than good looks!
Re: Signifigant Other or Mate

Originally posted by Crofter
very often the "Other" is a validation of your life. Your reason for being. Someone to run your ideas by before you try them on the world. Some people only see themselves in the mirror of another persons reaction. If, for whatever the reason, you aren't getting good reflections, you won't be together long!

Good reflections are more important than good looks!

Very good! Didn't know any one else thought that way.

I found my husband next door. I would sit out on my apt. balconey every night after a long day in the lab...drinking wine and watching the night. This short, red-bearded leprechaun would drive in at the same time every weekday night...walk off to the shrub by the door and 'relieve himself' before disappearing into the house. Never saw him home in the day.

I met him when he came home early one day and I helped him clean up a dog bite he'd got putting in cable at someone's house. ("no, he won't bite")

For the past 22 years he's been the mirror Frank's talking about....it's a pretty distorted picture sometimes (IMO), but if you see/hear it enough, you start to believe it yourself. (very nicely said, Frank)

That way even Che' or Crofter can't hammer on me.

What? ME hammer?! Nah........ :angel:

John, I don't know if marriage IS right for everyone. It really depends on your priorities. You do have to give up alot of 'freedoms' and I won't say I don't miss some aspects of my single life. BUT....to me, I feel like I 'get' a hell of alot more than I 'give up'. I didn't believe in 'forever' in the past, but I can't imagine anything but, now.


OH.....the shrub finally died. :D
Originally posted by TreeCo
I've got to agree with Stumper. You will find the horniest girls in church.:)


Hang outside the womens correctional center about 9am Monday mornings (thats if you struck out Sunday afternoons at church)

Keep wednesdays Nights open for "after the Male strip show"
at your local sleze pit!
Seriously though, finding someone can be very hard, I found mine while I was doing a night DJ gig at a restruant/bar...I was hopeing for the over 30's crowd and had a bunch of gigiling girls that wanted "dance" music in the corner.....

As was part of my duties I asked "Her" for id...I had to ask them to leave, but told the little princess that I would play it for her "after breakfast".....She was only 17 at the time....

seven or eight years now. Two kids later, What a score!

(She"ll still kill me for saying that)...We lived in sin for a few years then the big day.( had to , she was starting to show with Max)

( remember we own a place in NSW in the town, the hospital is called "Vegetable Creek Hospitial" ) We couldent have "the bastard from Vege creek " on his birth certificate, now could we?

A lovley canal front (my brothers place)..And the bride arrived in an IRB (inshore rescue boat) We are all members of the Surf lifesavers, and my brother heads up the race crew..(that the QLD champion "arancia" IRB in the background!)...The neighbours where impressed...SO WAS I..
Best day of my life!

I should of looked again at the shots, "Lovely day"?

This might look better...Captured in time the very moment we were LEAGLE..

There a hundreds of wedding pics (doesent everyone) all still on print, I scaned a couple to show of the boat in the background..

Man that thing HOWELS! Get it out in the surf...Its AWSOME!

Before we had to leave for a suprise Honeymoon ( I dident want to go...Lots of mates i hadent seen for years Had come for the wedding...They went home after, some i havent seen since)

We had a pine cone fire...Ran out of wood so Derek broke out a chainsaw ( no muffler) and fired it up (now the neighbours were REALY impressed)...There where some of my brothers planks there...That'll do ....A chain saw, wearing gold,Late at nite..My OWN wedding

Did She know then what it would be like married to a tree man...?
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Enough of the boat!

The Celebrant was 2 hours late that day..The boat had to do "laps" down stream further, with every body worried about low tide...We only had so much green carpet.(also borrowed from the surf club)..

As Toni was pregnant, and on the water for hours in a gown, she nedded to "GO' My sister, the bridesmade with her "no worries mate" attitude apparently stould up in the boat and yelled to all that were watching..."The bride has to go" at the top of her lungs...Poor Toni...

She was told to"come up here" by a lovely old granny, And got herself re-sorted.

BTW She hates the boat now. My Bro looked cool with a tux and SHORTS and thongs (flipflops)

Least i remember it being a realy great day.....
Just to show it wasent all chainsaws and boats...Here we are together...

Thanx for bringing back the memories...Derek..
What works for one deosn't always work for all. Marriage to me is like an anchor to a battleship, just held me down way to much for the life I want to live. Most of my firends are tied down and I see what it does to them and their lives. Running around, picking this child up here, dropping one off there, you rely on someone elses emotions and the way they feel at any given moment.
I can remember getting married and a few weeks later trying to figure out how I was going to let my wife know I wanted out. I let her know about 3 months after I tried to convince myself this was a good thing. I gave it sometime but I was never into it. I tried marriage again and once again the restictions due to compromises just was over bearing to the point were I just wanted to leave. So I told myself 2 years and if it doesn't work out that's it. I lasted about 13 months and we split.
Today I have a lady friend who has no intrest in getting married let alone even living together. She lives about a minute walk through the woods on the other side of my property. Right now it's hunting season and I work 3 days a week, the rest of the time I am traveling from one state to the other hunting. She takes care of my livestock and dogs while I am away. If I call and tell her I would like to stay a few more days I always hear OK have fun.
She is one in 5 million who understands that some people just shouldn't be married. My life is wonderful, maybe for some odd but at the end of the day I come and have a king size bed all to myself AHH.
Originally posted by RAHTREELIMBS
While some have a different opinion. I for one would not spend one day without my wife. She is an anchor to me in a positive way! She is there when times are tough and times are good. Raising 2 girls in not a job for a single person IMO. I love her and always will!

That absolutly INSPIRING Rich....I feel very much the same way!!

I almost have to feel sorry for Mark, allthough married life doesent agree with everyone, it sounds like a cold lonley existance in that HUGE bed allbeit, in a few years from now!

BTW I allways had the notion that the ENGAGEMENT period, should give you a fairly good guess as to the marrage..

It seems that Mark had his mind made up BEFORE the wedding...
Remember your vowes? 3 months isent all that long...

Round 4?? With the "freind" Hope it works out for you...

Happy Birthday Rich!!!

I know you and your lovely family will enjoy it!!

Congradulations! (Its allso my Dads b/day toay to)

At least I feel a bit younger than your 42 years...

Many happy returns...Derek AND family!