I have a mill based loosely on Gene's mill drawing. I ordered bladed from a place in my state that is supposed to have a good blade. When I first got it going, I was having trouble getting it to cut straight. I tried different blades and adjusted on everything trying to get them to cut straight. I dulled some and took some off thinking I was doing something wrong. I made some upgrades to my mill (log leveler, log turner, log clamp, and backstop, all remotely operated) and started cutting again. I had a blade on that I had been using and cut up several logs. It was cutting pretty good, but I wanted to try a new blade to see if it was faster.
Put the new blade on and did not make one cut. Get about 2 feet and it had dipped about 1/2". Was not cutting as well as well as the well used blade. Put the old blade back on and it cut ok.
I have several more new blades from the same co and when the snow leaves, I am going to try them all to see how they work. Then I will post a report. If they all cut like the new one I just took off, I will be sending them back. What I'm thinking, for the time a resharpener has to spend getting them right, I could buy new blades.
I have resharpened blades coming from one of the members here. I told him how I had a hard time getting the saw adjusted and he said he did not see how I could have gotten them to cut. We will see when I get to do a comparison. I know my resharpen will be better, but I don't know about the rest of the new ones yet. Thanks RW