I have experienced this problem with every one of my Husqvarna saws. But let me explain in detail.
They all start fine and run flawlessly in any weather.
In the hot/humid summer months, when they are shut down for a quick chain sharpening and fuel/oil, they start right back up, no problems.
IF I let them sit for more than about 5 minutes, and fully "heat soak", they become difficult to start, and require more pulls than usual, and I MUST run the choke about half-way out for the first 10-20 seconds until they "clear up". After that, they run flawlessly for the entire tank of fuel.
This happens with every single one of them, IF I let them "heat-soak" in hot/humid weather.
They do NOT do this in the cooler/cold weather.
I suspect this new fuel boils relatively easily at low temperatures, and I'm getting a lean condition until the incoming air from the fan cools things down some.
Since I know this problem can happen, the solution is simple, I usually fuel them up quickly and keep cutting, or grab another saw and let the one I was just using cool completely down. I never had this trouble till this new fuel showed up, and have ran some of these saws for several decades with zero issues anyplace or any problem(s) with difficult hot restarts.....Cliff