beans is a mod now? how long have i been asleep for?
Dunno...I think he was a mod even before I was. Must be the time zone/different day thing that threw you off.
beans is a mod now? how long have i been asleep for?
this saddle qualifies as a torture device
... I also feel I should not have to "look for positive elements"... so to speak. I came came from a background when people asked for advice, \they'd actually get some! I may not agree, but they gave me their 2 bits worth!
The #2 complaint I see/hear is a sore back. I'm thinking of getting a saddle with the wide-back to help distribute the weight. As the pic shows, we use a common 4 D-ring setup, but not the wide-back offered by Weaver. Your thoughts?
Thank you for your input and opinions.
You see, that is the difference between a real community and an on-line community. If you expect the on-line personalities to conform to real world behavior, you will surely be disappointed.
It takes some getting used to, but the on-line community actually has far more depth, diversity, and knowledge than any local community. Learning how to access that source is a bit of a learned skill. If you are unwilling to exert the effort to try, you may discover that you just don't like it here.
Ex: You got what you thought was a useless or offensive answer from Imagineero, whom I consider a fine individual and a sterling member of the AS community. His answer was very direct, and contained some pearls of wisdom that you probably did not appreciate at all. I suspect that he was trying to send you the same message that I am: be a little more tolerant of how folks answer you, and you might get more help.
Once you get past whatever ill-will might have been inadvertently created in some previous post, you will find that there are a lot more likeable folks here than this thread would suggest. Shucks, even Gologit and I can sometimes get along, and I don't think you know how hard a barrier that has been to hurdle.
Communication on the internet and in the real world share this trait: when hard-heads run into each other, everybody gets sore-headed about the experience.
I am pretty certain 046 was making reference to the fact that saddle is a nut crusher.Ok, you ARE responsible for my laundry bill! I choked laughing at that response because you couldn't be closer to the truth! I thought the "pain" was part of the climbing and taught my climbers to be A-holes too because of the way the harness pulled on their backs as well!
Yes, that's the mainstay of what I used and "subjected" others to use too. I'll get the wideback next!