Pretty much a done deal, all taken care of...
Not quite yet.
Ye of little faith ^
You band me from Bruce's site but here I am Randall.
You can't kill Kenny you dumb mfers.
Let's see how thick your skin is.
One simple phone call could have ended all this bs you started Randy and this isn't your first chit storm now is it?
Every single time you lie... well we'll just see how that goes.
You can wait a while though because we're just getting started your Honor.
First up is Mr. Todd who abandon his saw at my shop pending a port job for your buddy Terry who's raffle I was sorry to ever get involved with. I got the saw but the man still does not want it.
"Patience is not my strong suit. At least not when I'm on point."
A solid quote from Randall Evans aka: MM
Thing is your not on point your just pissed off and you don't like me so just admit it.
Consider this I think your fos when it comes to port work. Your a copycat nothing more. Everything you do is trial and error and you have no way to qualify anything you port. You have no clue about air flow or wet flow. Fact
Coming at me was just brewing for months now while I stir the pot because you weren't watching me because my post make no sense and I make your head hurt. You said that, fact.
It was best described to me as mental abuse is your practice.
Your a hothead, fact. You said it not me.
This missing chainsaw is not stolen but it is coming out on the public forum at AS not the way you poorly handle everything at OPE. Just so the masses know it is not your site, Bruce owns it and you rule it like a king as you see fit. You lost face here on that deal, not me, fact. Pay attention so you keep up, buddy. Serving pie later.
A simple phone call was all you needed to make yet you chose not to. It was more important to slander someone than do the right thing?... rhetorical. Don't worry you might get used to it.
Still on page one but we got a long way to go
on your thread.
Just so you know most people who are holding my ported saws won't play your childish games with a pitchfork crowd. It's far better to watch from the sidelines. Many of your forum members tried to help you but that fell on deaf ears like when I lodged a complaint, you and John, decided to laugh at me. Hope you enjoyed it there, sport. Ask Sam about studying your history. He'll point you in the right direction.
Mr. Todd, who owns the 024 saw abandoned it here and does not respond to PM messages at AS and is up next so you two get all caught up to get your stories straight.
Make sure you tell everyone how you locked my account while out tending to storm damage. We have had 52 tornado alerts this year alone, so far, here. 9 on the ground ripping chit up this summer. Yell to the masses how you planed that out nicely.
I think I smell something bad around here. Rotten chit tends to fester.
Enjoy your evening, your Honor.
Read up on Old Rome.
As for Mr. Todd try ignoring me now.
Was it better to just collect the generosity of others while talking chit about me?
If your coming up I'll bake a cake for you.
Maybe I'm the one that needs to make a road trip to straight some chit out, yes?
Be very careful about how you response sir.
I will no longer tolerate any of this lies and BS.
My name will be clear. A few others maybe not so much.
My patients has run out so who's first?