My best bet huh…
I’d like to believe in you but you’ve turned that into a maze I just can’t navigate.
Maybe you look at it differently but to me this is a community I’m part of and I find it distasteful to see someone pulling your brand of chicanery as it reflects badly on all of us and in particular anyone who condones or ignores it.
I used to think you were ok, just kinda different but…
Over a lot of years I for one have grown tired of your never substantiated trash talking and allusions to having the all the great but secret/proprietary porting magic. You’ve had plenty of opportunity at gtg’s to show your stuff though somehow never bring a ported saw. In my book it’s put up or shut up…
You seem to just enjoy making things overly complicated but from my perspective you could’ve had this whole thing (and I mean all of it, not just this side effect 024 thing) put to bed in very simple fashion but Instead you choose to side step, dodge, deflect and muddy the waters with barely comprehensible innuendo. In case you’re not aware, you’re like Mr. Innuendo, lol.
Guess it could be ascribed to a hyperactive sense of pride but in my experience those are most likely the tactics of someone attempting to weasel out of something.
As for me “coming out from behind” my keyboard… there you go with the inevitable innuendo. Spit it out, wtf do you actually mean by that? I’m at plenty of gtg’s and have in fact met you in person. I’d be just fine saying any of this to your face and would accommodate that at both of our convenience, if it was worth bothering with that is. Maybe look me up at the next gtg and we can see what happens with no keyboards to hide behind. You start threatening me behind your keyboard and I find it difficult to take seriously but if it were to go farther than that I’m always ready to take it very seriously.
So you just keep on digging, dig Kenny dig, dig, dig. Dig that hole deeper…
Or maybe surprise us all and answer some simple questions, shine some light on your proprietary truth…?
Well, Bill feels better now so we should all be happy is our best bet.
The maze was always the point, breadcrumbs.
"A lot of years" LMAO, we met twice briefly so your now an expert judge of me?
The community you speak so proudly of is not that pillar of society that most proclaim it to be. Did you decide dumping on me was for the good of the community?
Trash talk = ?
Your tired = nothing
Chicanery = New Webster's and Dall will possibly use that.
Anyone who knows me beyond an afternoon surely knows I'm not into competition or blowing my own horn to have my ego groomed when hanging out and enjoying good times is far more relaxing and pleasant to me. I go to GTGs to enjoy my day not prove myself or my work to be better than anyone, never did, ever. You're all so wrapped up in whatever y'all failed to notice it in eight years and counting. Who brings a mill to a GTG?... I do for others to enjoy, use or just simply look over at their leisure or cut cants. A real simple philosophy you should understand. I'm always one of many, the first guy to step up, help, give away parts, add my 2ct, enjoy my day, shoot the breeze and the last to leave after the last bits are done yet no one will vouch for that because most will not stand beside me. They became afraid of the pitchfork crowd or decided it was better to be in it or supported by it. Sorry to disappoint y'all but you just don't intimidate me.
Mr. Innuendo lol. I like it... send me a custom T-shirt, please.
Hyperactive, possibly, thirty years ago.
Weasel = mudslinging based on zero facts just all fiction you enjoy.
You seem well educated Bill and a fine writer indeed so why don't you have anything better to do than dump on the lesser people with no facts?
Step out from behind your keyboard with some facts to sustain your tirade about me being anything but honest and forthright about anything.
So many are waiting for just that yet they continue to wait, why?
Allow me to answer for you. You got nothing and nothing to back it up just Randy and his innuendo. Educated you may be but you still have nothing about my work or skills in any field or practice yet you continue, like so so many others do, to discredit me, why?
If it's was based on your gut feeling... go take a healthy chit there guy and feel better soon.
Simon said no published pics.
Can I borrow a shovel? Lol
I've harmed nothing or no one. Took no money and no made attempts to deceive anyone. Anything I offered others was at my expense not theirs.
Any number of people could have stepped in to help yet they still choose not to including you Bill but yet your mouth still runs about something.
Mr. Todd still makes no effort to get his saw, why???...
Like I said before he chooses to just accept things as they are yet complains to others about his tool being stolen so here it sits.
Maybe you need pics to believe?
Oh btw your "book" means zero to me and let's not forget you dismiss me... "If ""it"" instead of I, was not worth bothering with," yet you persist.
Sorry, Bill your being dismissed now based on the truth, seriously.
Anyone who doubts my work should inquire.
Look me up anytime anywhere in person or by any means.