Has SAP been re-incarnated as apocolypticlogr?

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How close (miles, yards, feet) can you pinpoint the physical address from someone's ip address? A little sobering when you think about it.
OK, this may explain his infatuation with huskys


You're back you say, hmmmmmmmm. Better check again :)

Hmmm. Stupid is as stupid does? Life is like a box of chocolates, you don't know if Sap is inside until you take a bite....except this one. The boy has an obsession with this site, it's just plain unhealthy I say, just plain unhealthy.

Well, this kid has gotten me interested. he is hailing out of a computer and email addy from sutterhigh K-12 in california.
quick look shows its not the best school in the country, maybe thats why he can play on this site during computer lab instead of learning something.

I have of course fired off an email to the schools principal asking that they look into this and have sent copies of all his posts, along with date/time stamps and IP address. waiting to hear back now.


So, Ralph, what happens if Sap is a teacher? The kid thing doesn't really fit. He was a bit too sophisticated in his posts for a kid, but had the temperment and the logic of one....Too much into politics and not enough into girls, cars, and other things. This could be fun. Keep us posted.

My wife is a teacher, and there are a bunch of them who spend most of their day online ordering crap.

BETTER WATCH OUT rumour has it he is working on wildthing that will give a 660 a run for its money

I used to run a wildthing whenever I got the opportunity. It was fun to use. Darn thing has not been working for me lately. I'm only keeping it cuz it's part of my collection. :jester:
So, Ralph, what happens if Sap is a teacher? The kid thing doesn't really fit. He was a bit too sophisticated in his posts for a kid, but had the temperment and the logic of one....Too much into politics and not enough into girls, cars, and other things. This could be fun. Keep us posted.

My wife is a teacher, and there are a bunch of them who spend most of their day online ordering crap.

In the name of all that's good I pray he's not a teacher. The grammar and spelling were on about a 4th grade level. Many kids spout political things they hear from their parents or others, so I wouldn't use that as a judgment. Sophisticated? Did they delete all his post in which he didn't sound like a drooling moron? Am I missing something?
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Quite right you are

I, on behalf of Arboristsite and all of our proud sponsors,moderators and administrators, would like to introduce howdareu666

our little troublemakers latest handle, so far zero posts.
figured I'd let everyone give him a hard time before I outright banned him for having more than one identity.

he's a persistent devil. he'll find another computer with a different IP and a different login, but his post are surely recognizable.
This kid is Boboak's neighbor. Sutter High School is just north of Yuba City and about fifteen minutes from Live Oak, which is where Boboak calls home.
Go get em' Bob!
About 3 1/2 hours from me.
This kid is Boboak's neighbor. Sutter High School is just north of Yuba City and about fifteen minutes from Live Oak, which is where Boboak calls home.
Go get em' Bob!
About 3 1/2 hours from me.

Yeah...lucky me. Hope I don't know this clown. But this is a small town and if I don't know him I'd be surprised.
Yeah...lucky me. Hope I don't know this clown. But this is a small town and if I don't know him I'd be surprised.

Gettin' warm down there Bob? I heard a rumor I may be starting in Dog Creek (north of Redding) next week.
Then it's off to Disneyland with the fam-damnly!
Gettin' warm down there Bob? I heard a rumor I may be starting in Dog Creek (north of Redding) next week.
Then it's off to Disneyland with the fam-damnly!

It's warming up,high 70s all week, and the north wind is drying things out. I think I'll be going back on the R-line at Stirling City in about a week. 'Cat side there we have to finish from last year. Have fun at D-Land. Bob
An apology

As it turns out I do know the real identity of our recent unwelcome guest. I wish I didn't. My 13 year old son goes to Sutter High and after a few PMs back and forth with Begley it became apparent that he was our mystery poster. I asked him about it and he 'fessed up. He's a good kid,ordinarily,but this time he let his mouth run away from his good sense. He reads AS a lot and I think maybe he just wanted to sound salty and cool and all the other things 13 year old boys want to be when they're surrounded by grown-ups. We had a talk about that. Believe me, he won't be posting anything anywhere for quite some time. My wife will be taking him directly to the Vice Principal's office in the morning and the school can deal with that end of it.
I'd like to offer my apologies for my son's behavior and the disruption he caused here. Thank-you Bob
No problem,,,,,

As it turns out I do know the real identity of our recent unwelcome guest. I wish I didn't. My 13 year old son goes to Sutter High and after a few PMs back and forth with Begley it became apparent that he was our mystery poster. I asked him about it and he 'fessed up. He's a good kid,ordinarily,but this time he let his mouth run away from his good sense. He reads AS a lot and I think maybe he just wanted to sound salty and cool and all the other things 13 year old boys want to be when they're surrounded by grown-ups. We had a talk about that. Believe me, he won't be posting anything anywhere for quite some time. My wife will be taking him directly to the Vice Principal's office in the morning and the school can deal with that end of it.
I'd like to offer my apologies for my son's behavior and the disruption he caused here. Thank-you Bob

Actually, @ least he fessed up,,,when my boy was 13 he done some bone headed stuff,,,, hes no differnt than any other 13 year old and he did come clean,,,, really it was kinda fun trying to figure out who it was,,, thinkin it coulda been Sap was a hoot.... We understand Dad!!!!!!!:givebeer:

Bob...that took some nads bro!!!

You easily could've denied it all!

GOOD MAN!!!!!! I'll rep ya when I can!

BTW, why does he hate Stihl so much???
Shoot Bob, I was gonna Rep ya for that but all I have are blanks!

I'm sure that you're pi$$ed at him but I betcha that most of us are giggling, I am at least!

:clap: :clap: :clap:
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