Has SAP been re-incarnated as apocolypticlogr?

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Cuppla things, if I may:

first, the term "banned" on most of these BBS sites is a misnomer. In our minds, the term "ban" has a sense of permanency. Here, that connotation does not carry over. Here it means "suspended account" whether truely permanent or a mere temporary suspension of previledges.

Second: The title under your nic is updated across-the board like your avatar - when it's changed, it gets applied to all of your posts, it's not time-sensitive or "sticky". So, a dood can post away while not "banned", but when he gets banned, ALL posts reflect that. Similarly, when he becomes unbanned that, too, gets applied to ALL posts.

I think.:)
Hi! Just like to let you know I'm back and I'm pissed about what you've been righting about me. And god damn it if I won't hold on until you guys don't allow any more peoples to join.
Well I am too new to know who sap was, but I like my 044 but I would rather have a Jred 2171. Nothing against Stihl I just Like that saw more! The only saw I seen that was a piece of junk was a Stihl! That was because the owner never looked after it. It was a small '' home owner type'' And my trusty Poulan wood kick it every time! Does that make me hate Stihl? Not a chance those who use them and take care of them love them! I did a search on hear and found some funny post's! To me it is all up to who uses the saw and takes care of it. Hey evan my poulan works great! Yet I know a Ms 310 would be a great fire wood saw and if I had one I would not complain!
Hi! Just like to let you know I'm back and I'm pissed about what you've been righting about me. And god damn it if I won't hold on until you guys don't allow any more peoples to join.

Already reported.

But get 'im anyway!
I must point out that sap:

a) Sometimes made sense
b) Could spell

So I think this is a new troll.

The highschoolers are on spring break now, ya know.
Hi! Just like to let you know I'm back and I'm pissed about what you've been righting about me. And god damn it if I won't hold on until you guys don't allow any more peoples to join.
Have you even run a Good saw? I don't mean a used piece of junk but a new saw.For that matter a new German saw? I like to think all saw's are okay for what they are meant for cutting wood!It is up to the user who wants to decide what he or she likes! I happen to use a poulan allot for limbing and small trees and it has never let me down! But neither has my Stihl or Jred or Mac! There is allot of Husky & Stihl guy's & gals on here Plus some dolmar aficionado'S Why can't everyone get along!As long as it work's for the user who care's!
Have you even run a Good saw? I don't mean a used piece of junk but a new saw.For that matter a new German saw? I like to think all saw's are okay for what they are meant for cutting wood!It is up to the user who wants to decide what he or she likes! I happen to use a poulan allot for limbing and small trees and it has never let me down! But neither has my Stihl or Jred or Mac! There is allot of Husky & Stihl guy's & gals on here Plus some dolmar aficionado'S Why can't everyone get along!As long as it work's for the user who care's!

Pay him no nevermind, Austin. You'd be cranky too if you had SAP in your butt!!!
I feel a new disturbance in the force! ( There's also a bad smell) :laugh:

Quite right you are

I, on behalf of Arboristsite and all of our proud sponsors,moderators and administrators, would like to introduce howdareu666

our little troublemakers latest handle, so far zero posts.
figured I'd let everyone give him a hard time before I outright banned him for having more than one identity.
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