Thanks for the feedback guys.
How injured is the area in blue? I see some good upright laterals growing off of it. I'd take off the droopers to give the clearance and reduce the sprawlers but i would not remove the branch just because of a little crack or a little decay.
In essence, the only uninjured part is the droppers, except for one small branch towards the end.
if that limb is 18+" dia. then the wound may never heal and the trunk would be hollow. A lot worse for the tree and the tree owner than a little injury way out on the periphery. -- Yeah. Thats what where my catch 22 comes in. lol I thought I had a picture of the base, but I didn't know how to work our camera, and its actually a 5 second video.
I would probably remove the area in question completely back to the collar at the trunk(not pictured). Even if it was healthy, it seems to have a limited future as a side trunk/outward growing nuisance branch.
Thats exactly what we were thinking. Just wondering what everyone else thought from the limited info I could give them. (Since I am new ect...) Just trying to learn different thought processes (for trimming/pruning).
1)Put on your saddle 2) put on your sprurs 3) throw your steelcore around the tree, make sure both ends are attached to your saddle 4) walk up the tree.
No offense - but I dont have spurs. We are trimming/pruning trees in the above picture. Not removing it.
Buddy, do a few easy removals first, best yet head out into the bush and practice stripping and chunking a few trees, this will get you comfortable.
If you are saying I need experience in removals in order to properly trim...I dont get you.
I have removed several trees. (Though it was from the ground). And trimmed big limbs off of several more. My dad lived on a farm - we still head up there and cut up firewood ect... We heat most of our house with an insert and have for several years. I have experience when it comes to killing a tree/limb. I dont have as much when it comes to Bluntly. I dont think what you are saying applies to my questions.
Save all that fancy stuff for later, what you are describing is a gong show, why so complicated right away?
I dont consider it complicated. :?? Anyways - it needs to be done. Its our job. Cant stop now.
the security of being well planted in a tree with spurs and a steelcore is confidence biulding.
Look back in the pic. You will find a the climbers line in a crotch (true, he isn't hanging from it in the picture) ...but you will also find a Steel core planted above him. His weight is actually being held by that... (trusting your ropes anyone?)
looks like the guy is on his knees
He was actually positioning himself at the moment of the picture if I remember right. Right foot is on a branch...he is moving his left foot up the limb in order to make another step up. He did have to work around that small dead upshoot.
that tree looks kinda scummy anyways wouldn't kill it to spur it.
All the trees there look scummy, thats why we are there. But I must ask...if there is trash in a parking lot - do you empty the trash that is in your truck in the parking lot? :greenchainsaw: