What are the odds you'll get discovered? 1 in 100. If you get discovered what are the odds you'll have to actually pay the fine....get a lawyer etc. I'd say don't worry about it. It's the equivalent of self insuring.
I agree. Move to one of the free states. How does the system work there? Do they test your exhaust, or the machine just has to be a certain age or what?
HP, and if its on the list of dirty burner motors, must be aproved by CARB (California Air Research Board) .....its just stupid though, they made my friend shut down his chipper, he had to sell it out of state for 9K, and had to go and buy a new bandit for 55K...about took his buisness down...:msp_mad:
I Googled "California Air Research Board" looking for that information and I found nothing about having to get rid of your old equipment. I know none of this affects me in New York but I want to be ready to fight if they even think of starting that kind of #### here. So where is it written?
This what my friend told me, I will look it up and see what I can find
Oh, and some info I got from Matt at California Tree Equipment when I bought my used bandit from them here in CA
What it comes down to is that when your registration is up, they wont let you re-register it....thats what happened to my tree buddy's chipper
Register it? Like put plates on it? We don't have to do that either here. No plates on a towable piece of equipment like stump grinders or chippers, only trailers. Do you have to go through this bull#### for a tractor, skidsteer, dozer, etc?
Did that Matt guy give you any kind of a deal on that Bandit? Their prices are looking on the high side, aren't they?