Help Choose my saw, 363xp, 440, etc?

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No point getting the 362xp or 365, most of the weight and less power.

This is not entirely good advice, especially if price is taken into the equation.

The 362XP is an absolute steal right now vs. the new batch of 372's that are coming in. You should be able to pick one up for $100 to $150 less than a 372, depending on who is selling it. I actually canceled my load of 372's and ordered more of the 362's.

The 362XP and 365 are really not that far behind their big brother, the 372. Particularly if your just using it for firewood. As with most saw comparisons, the differences in the specs are really only felt in larger wood. In this case, I would say that they would be very close up to 18" wood. Beyond that and the 372's extra power would become more noticable.

One more thing: One of my arborists came in yesterday to pick up some parts. His roster is 346, 55, 257, 371, 395, and a 362XP. He just mentioned that the 362XP was his favorite saw and the one saw he won't let any of his guys run.
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This is not entirely good advice, especially if price is taken into the equation.

The 362XP is an absolute steal right now vs. the new batch of 372's that are coming in. You should be able to pick one up for $100 to $150 less than a 372, depending on who is selling it. I actually canceled my load of 372's and ordered more of the 362's.

The 362XP and 365 are really not that far behind their big brother, the 372. Particularly if your just using it for firewood. As with most saw comparisons, the differences in the specs are really only felt in larger wood. In this case, I would say that they would be very close up to 18" wood. Beyond that and the 372's extra power would become more noticable.
That is a very good point. One in which SawTroll never takes into consideration! :rolleyes:
Buy what feels good to you, A 100$ dollar price difference is nothing especially if you have the saw for 10 years. And if you buy more power from the start you won't be wishing you had it later on!
For firewood cutting: 0.5lbs in one or the other direction is of ZERO importance. You will mostly be bucking and blocking the stuff. Standing in an upright position. ....
I agree to that, and 2 lbs makes little difference also, for that application.:D

.....but in the woods, particularly in steep terrain, it sure makes a differense - as do the choise of bar type, and lenght. :yoyo: :yoyo:
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This is not entirely good advice, especially if price is taken into the equation.


That is a very good point. One in which SawTroll never takes into consideration! :rolleyes:

:D I have to admit that I usually don't, as the differense trough the life of the saw will be small per year anyway, if you take proper care of it. ;)

Btw, most Huskys cost about twise as much here, as in the US, except a few smaller ones that usually are campain prised - some Stihls, like the 361, 441 and 660, cost more like 50% more.
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This advice has been very helpful.

So I am going to try to find the time to go take a look at a 441, 372xp, and the 7900.

As price is not really too much of a concern, I am willing to pay for the quality.

Now if I can just find the time to actually get to the dealers when they are open.

Thanks everyone.

maybe the last question, but no promises.

I went to a husky dealer today. Asked him about the 372xp. He said that he can't get one of those for me and he recommended the 575xp. I have seen them online, but would prefer to buy it from this dealer. Is it possible that he really can't get one? Are they shipping only to larger dealers?

Any ideas on prices for the 575xp and the 441? Going to look at the 441 tomorrow. Ballpark, since I realize every dealer will be different.

I think he quoted me around $700 or $750 for the 575xp.

After searching here for info on the 575xp, it seems like people have been unsatisfied with these saws, but also the posts were all a bit dated. Have people gotten used to these saws, problems fixed, etc?
From the "evidense" here at AS, I think I would take the 441 over the 575xp, but it is a close call......:D

I would also have considered the PS7900 as an alternative, even though there are no dealers here........
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Well, according the the stats, yes;

4.4 bhp (US 361) is more than 4,4 hp - and 3.7 Nm is more than 3.4.......

....admittedly, not a big differense. :ices_rofl: :ices_rofl:

Here, the 361s are rated at 4.6hp, same as the 362xp and 365, and it is more than a pound lighter.......

as long as there were 365's available we couldn't get anyone to buy a 362xp. And now those are almost gone. I ordered some up last week and could only get them with 18" bars. Everything else said "part no longer available"
A Husaky 575 or a stihl 441 ms 460 are all abput the same . go lookat them hold them and if you get lucky start them and see how it fels itwould be great if dealres would let you actaully try the saw . Dolamr makes some good stuff i hav not used 9it so icnnotsay beyond that Josereds are gussied up Huskies Husky makes Jonsereds .
I have 575 amopng other for all arounf use I like it beter than Stihl's equivlent . a 441 or ms 460 . the Husky runsabut faster and to me handles better . bothare goodsaws .
you will have a hard time findinga 372 the 575 replaced it . IfI am guessing right Hsusky is completly redoingthier line up .
On e thing about Sthil i do not like is thier sales policies tough tovget stuff on lne or a non Stihl dealer .

soemmight notstoick stuff ytou need . but inyourcase it seems not otbea probelm . though 700 sounds great fora 575 id go for that over 800+ for the same from Sthih. . I would look into every hing about them another thing iI think Stihls have much more vibration a consdieratrion if yu curt alot of fire wood . . evena few hourass can effect you . No saw is perfect though . al have flaws and good poijnts just up to you what works .

also lok at how easy it is to do somple things like change air filtersandsprk plugs things like that add up .
I would go for the Huwsly 575 . givne the choice it isa great saw and Ifind it w0orks great with 20 - 32 inch bars get rid of the dogs that coem withyoursawcand ordwer some big ones , Bailyers has some ,.
Ifyou wantio o online you cn getagood eal on ahusky at Norwalk power equipent also they have deal going on buy a sawandbar abnd get 2 chains . try to avoid the low kcck back chains they slow yorsaw dwon and make it work harder . i would get a semi chisle rounded chain for cutting firecwood as they stand up better in wood that probably is a bit drity


Just found this site,

I am saving up for a new saw, when I buy anything, I always buy very good quality stuff. If it is worth it to save up money for something that will last me, I will save up until I have enough.

I am buying a new saw because I have outgrown the Stihl MS250 that I bought a few years ago.

I heat my house with firewood and I have a pretty reliable source of wood, but most of the time it needs bucking, up to 36" or so in diameter. I also scavenge wood when I can.

I was considering a Husky 362xp or 357xp or a Stihl 440. I have good local dealers that I will be purchasing the saw from.

Any thoughts or suggestions. I have searched through many of the topics here, while it has been very helpful, I have also gotten confused.

Thanks for any advice or help.
A Husaky 575 or a stihl 441 ms 460 are all abput the same . go lookat them hold them and if you get lucky start them and see how it fels itwould be great if dealres would let you actaully try the saw . Dolamr makes some good stuff i hav not used 9it so icnnotsay beyond that Josereds are gussied up Huskies Husky makes Jonsereds .
I have 575 amopng other for all arounf use I like it beter than Stihl's equivlent . a 441 or ms 460 . the Husky runsabut faster and to me handles better . bothare goodsaws .
you will have a hard time findinga 372 the 575 replaced it . IfI am guessing right Hsusky is completly redoingthier line up .
On e thing about Sthil i do not like is thier sales policies tough tovget stuff on lne or a non Stihl dealer .

soemmight notstoick stuff ytou need . but inyourcase it seems not otbea probelm . though 700 sounds great fora 575 id go for that over 800+ for the same from Sthih. . I would look into every hing about them another thing iI think Stihls have much more vibration a consdieratrion if yu curt alot of fire wood . . evena few hourass can effect you . No saw is perfect though . al have flaws and good poijnts just up to you what works .

also lok at how easy it is to do somple things like change air filtersandsprk plugs things like that add up .
I would go for the Huwsly 575 . givne the choice it isa great saw and Ifind it w0orks great with 20 - 32 inch bars get rid of the dogs that coem withyoursawcand ordwer some big ones , Bailyers has some ,.
Ifyou wantio o online you cn getagood eal on ahusky at Norwalk power equipent also they have deal going on buy a sawandbar abnd get 2 chains . try to avoid the low kcck back chains they slow yorsaw dwon and make it work harder . i would get a semi chisle rounded chain for cutting firecwood as they stand up better in wood that probably is a bit drity

Good post, you obviously are a Husky guy as I am a Stihl person as well. If you had a chance to run the 441 you would see that it is the smoothest saw out there presently.:givebeer:

Don't take this personally, but I have read some of your posts and notice the problem with spelling but then when you look at your signature everything is spelled properly and with correct grammar.:cheers: