I have a Green Mountain Maple planted in parkway (I live in Wisconsin on a fairly quiet suburban street). Tree has been in ground for 7 years now and has always been very healthy looking and has grown well--until this spring. It budded out, as usual, but then abruptly stopped. Some leaves grew out, but it appears everything froze (we had a hard freeze in early May). This tree and the 2 other GM Maples I have planted, also in the parkway, are very slow bloomers historically, but the other 2 trees are just fine and very healthy. The few leaves that bloomed are now droopy and there are yet any new buds and I fear it is dying, but am baffled as to how it goes from healthy one year to disaster the next? Everything appeared fine until that freeze on May 8. We noticed the following week it was not keeping pace the other 2 trees. A local landscaper is stumped. Any ideas? Would hate to lose this tree as it is 15 feet plus tall now.