A pointer,on points.Most troubles with point type ignitions,will be on the primary,or low voltage side of the system.This portion,consists of the breaker points,the capacitor[condensor],and the primary winding of the coil.On magneto systems,the low voltage side,may be less than 1 volt.Any amount of corrosion,on the points,can lead to a misfunction,of the system.In addition,connections on the cap. kill swich etc.all need to be checked for good continuity.From my experiance,very seldom does the coil go bad,it is usually some other componet.The continuity light method,as has been mentioned,is about a good of way to set the points,as any ,and especialy for those , whom are gaining experiace,with these systems[we all had to learn at some time]This is strickly my opinoin,but,if you have a point type system,that is functional,or easily repairable,let well enough alone.These systems have worked fine ,for years.