Just found the site and have been browsing around, you all seem to be extremely knowledgable and rabid chainsaw fanatics. Boy can I use some help with my 028 Super.
A little background. I'm a weekend warrior, and probably only cut 2-3 cords per year, but I am very careful and courteous when it comes to TLC for my saw. I bought the saw used for $170 in 1991 and boy do I LOVE IT. Well my pullcord broke, so I buy a new one, and notice the tension spring (for the pullcord) is a bit rusted and worn so I replace it also. Now mind you, up until this point the saw has been running like a top (for 14 years now). Well I yank on the new cord and after a bit longer than normal, it starts, runs for 10 seconds or so, and dies out. I choke it, throw it on start and it does the same thing, runs a bit then dies out. OK, I figure it's been a while since I cleaned the carb, so I get a kit and redo it (gaskets, needle, spring), I also replaced the fuel hose as it had some wear cracks, and fuel filter. Fille er up with gas and SAME THING. Now I was told to close noth the H and L screws on the carb, and then back them off 1 full turn. I did that, and it won't start at all now. I've seen mention of some kind of ignition coil, could this be a problem ? Oh, I also replaced the spark plug. I may try to mix a new batch of fuel since it may be "bad" for some reason, but I really doubt that is it. Well do you fellas have any suggestions ????? I am really frustrated, and I just love this saw to death.... it's always been one heck of a dependable worker for me. Thank you.
A little background. I'm a weekend warrior, and probably only cut 2-3 cords per year, but I am very careful and courteous when it comes to TLC for my saw. I bought the saw used for $170 in 1991 and boy do I LOVE IT. Well my pullcord broke, so I buy a new one, and notice the tension spring (for the pullcord) is a bit rusted and worn so I replace it also. Now mind you, up until this point the saw has been running like a top (for 14 years now). Well I yank on the new cord and after a bit longer than normal, it starts, runs for 10 seconds or so, and dies out. I choke it, throw it on start and it does the same thing, runs a bit then dies out. OK, I figure it's been a while since I cleaned the carb, so I get a kit and redo it (gaskets, needle, spring), I also replaced the fuel hose as it had some wear cracks, and fuel filter. Fille er up with gas and SAME THING. Now I was told to close noth the H and L screws on the carb, and then back them off 1 full turn. I did that, and it won't start at all now. I've seen mention of some kind of ignition coil, could this be a problem ? Oh, I also replaced the spark plug. I may try to mix a new batch of fuel since it may be "bad" for some reason, but I really doubt that is it. Well do you fellas have any suggestions ????? I am really frustrated, and I just love this saw to death.... it's always been one heck of a dependable worker for me. Thank you.