Help with an 051AV, Won't Idle Down

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ArboristSite Operative
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
Defiance, Ohio
Picked up this old saw a couple months ago at the Kenton Nationals (dogtrials) from a not so sober fella sick of carrying it. Had spark and good compression, gave him $25 and a 12pack, he was happy for the change in load. At anyrate, rebuilt the carb, gaskets were all shot, sponge from the fuel filter was rotted and had everything clogged up inside. Installed the carb tuneup kit and she runs now. One problem won't idle down, runs great full mid throttle but just cant get the R's down, no matter what the carb adjustment. Anyone know the proper starting point to set the car mix at, and or the cause of the very high idle speed. Side Note here running it without a chain didn't wana pony up for one until I can see if its runnable. Wonder if one off my MS 280 will work, prabably different sproket havent tried.
sounds like an air leak. did you check the crank seals and other engine block gaskets? something is not sealing up right.
nope didn's check any of that yet, wanted to get a little advice before I tore into it too far. Whats the best way to go about checking for leaks? May be a dumb question I do realize. Thanks in advance
A 12 pack of what?
When you went through the carb, did you have the needle out and blow out that
Since you are in Defiance Ohio, that makes you family, so anything you need, let me know.
My father is from Ayersville.
the 12 pack? um Busch Light what else do ya barter with at Kenton Lol. yea that was another question I had took out the needle blew it out. the diaphram on the new parts just had a pin on it the other had a pin with a slot in it the needle slid into. Just put the pin on top with the new parts. dave over at Speed's gave me the parts, he's usally pretty good so... By the way whose your Dad? probably know or know of him. thanks. Also didnt put a new sponge in the filter in the tank, could that contribute to the problem?
Sounds like you need the correct carb kit, to start with.

My Grandfather was Fisher in Ayersville, he ran a plumbing heating business for 50 years.

My Aunt/uncle has the last name Ruggles, from my mother's side of the family.
My aunt was a councilwoman in Defiance for many years.
Names sound familiar but dont get that way much, wifes family is from Ayersville too, Shackow's. Was a bit suspitious of the carb kit, I'll try again on that one, also see alot of shop manuals for them on e-bay might pick one up there. Would like to get this one going for another spare, run an MS 280 with a 20" bar and thats really about all you usaully need around here, but would be nice to have that 051 with a 36" bar on some of those big oaks. Thanks for the help, I'll see if I can locate the right kit, I'd say its possible the needle isnt operating correctly. Thanks for the help, really appreciate it, nice to find a local connection on here.
The 041 is a 1110 powerhead. The 050/051 and 075/076 are the 1111 powerheads. The ts 510 and ts 760 concrete saws would also be 1111 powerheads.

I agree with Chris. Check your the intake block and make sure all your gaskets are in good shape and everything is tight. Also look at your impulse line to the carb to make sure there are no cracks or breaks in it. If those check out its probably the oilseals. The seals are still avaible from stihl. Plus aftermarket gasket kits are avaible for these saws.

hey thanks for the help, handn't thought to check for cracks in the lines. Shoulda been a no brainer will tear into it a little tommorow, where can i order the gasket kits, Local stihl dealer doesn't seem to wana try to hard so.. I see your in Elkart practicaly a neighbor, NW ohio here.
Just a note; You might want to invest in a gallon of gas and begin at the gas tank. pour some in, put the cap on and give it a severe shaking. Let sit for 1 hour and repeat. Then pour out the gas into a cleaning container of sorts.

I bet there is an almost endless supply of crap waiting to clog your inlet needle. Unfortunately I cleaned out this carb three times before figuring that out. Same symptom.
Wrenched on the old 051 a bit more today.
1. Rinsed the tank very very thoroughly.
2. Removed Carb went through it again and blew it.
3. Did some checking and I indeed do have the proper carb kit.
4. Replaced Fuel lines, blew out the one in the tank as it was in great shape
5. Installed a new fuel filter

Now i could use a little help with the initial carb settings if anyone has an idea where would be a good place to set the screws to at least make it run ok. I'm sure its so far out of wack at this point its no wonder it won't stay going. Yes, I can tweak a carb and make a motor scream, but by no means an expert and have no idea what is even in the balpark as far as a starting point on this old monster. Any pointers or resources would be great, thanks
try around 1 turn from lightly seated on the H and L screws, and fine tune from there. the guys here know a bit more than me, and will get you going right.
I had the same problem but on a different saw and just fixed it today (see "Homelite Super XL that will not idle" posted yesterday). The carb was very dirt from fine grit that I believe came from the a disintegrating fuel filter. The carb had a small brass pulg that filtered the fuel via an imbedded fine screen. This was located between the lo speed seat and the small outlet hole into the air horn. My suspicion is there is still a clog somewhere and this was the location on my porblem. I used break-cleaner with a small tube pushed into the nozzle to direct cleaner into the small hole in the air horn (located after the throttle butterfly) - this will back flush the area.

The settings I typically start with on the needles is backed-out 1.5 turns from botom. This is usally a little rich but a good starting point.
Thanks for the Initial Settings Just went and reset it now she screams, and idles down. Thanks to everyone else here on the forum everyone suggestions have been very helpfull, one more 051 AV headed back in the woods. Just need a throttle retaining spring and she'll be all finished up. Anyone know where to get stihl Orange and White Paint Cheap?
go to the stihl dealer, you can get it in spray cans there for somewhere around $20 or so.

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