Help with tree I.D.

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A great assortment of hardwood but I bet that just sawing up all the fallen and dying trees would keep you very busy.
Beach, oak, black locust, ash can't really go wrong as you collect.

Me personally I would hunt out all the damaged trees and fallen first then go nuts on any Ash tree.
Ash in NY is pretty unhappy just like in Ontario so cutting them down won't hurt the forest
Pic of the two splits on the pavement is black birch. Is that white oak healthy? If so I would not cut it down just for firewood, go looking for dead trees instead.
Thanks again guys.....hey dont get me wrong here. I am not just cutting any tree down. That oak is staying there. I just was hoping to id an oak tree so I know what to look for. There are plenty of trees leaning half over/ripped out of the ground to choose from.....just wanna get the best firewood I can for my efforts.
Pic of the two splits on the pavement is black birch. Is that white oak healthy? If so I would not cut it down just for firewood, go looking for dead trees instead.

I am going to dissent and say those 2 pcs came from a black cherry. The big oak looks like a chinquapin to me although the pic is almost too close to judge the tree, great for bark but not conformation
How about these.....i thought beech but not sure of that or birch....

How about these.....i thought beech but not sure of that or birch....

Looks like Cherry
Can't argue with the smell test and I have never seen black birch but man, those pcs LOOK like upper limbs from a black cherry, inside and out
Black birch and young cherry do look very close bark wise. I just don't see enough red/bronze in it to be yellow birch.
How about these.....i thought beech but not sure of that or birch....


That ain't beech or birch... it's cherry.
It ain't Black Cherry... it's Pin Cherry (sometimes incorrectly called Bird Cherry... Bird Cherry is Hackberry).
I believe some of you boys out east call it Fire Cherry.
Does Fire Cherry have a smell to it ?

The spot where i got this from also had another blow down next to it. I cut them both up and could smell the wintergreen odor. They looked alike maybe i had a birch and a cherry. I was up there today cutting up the branches and noticed some looked different from eachother. I will get some pics tomm. of them both. Thanks
Does Fire Cherry have a smell to it ?
Yeah... to me it smells sort'a like cough syrup or cough drops.
I wouldn't spend a lot of time on it... it's more like a weed than a tree (we treat it as a weed 'round here).
The wood is soft, weak and light weight (when dry), not much good for anything... burns up real fast.