Mine was trespassing hunter despite all my signs. I am getting ready for work so tell wife to call the sheriff. Deputy shows up listen to me telling him the guy is just over that hill in the pine trees about 25 yards from my house and yes it is firearm deer season.
Deputy refused to go in the pines and write him a citation for trespassing. I told him to git as he was worth less and I would take care of the problem my self. Took 20minutes to get rid of the useless pos, kept asking what I was going to do. told him none of his business as I would be doing part of what my tax dollars was paying him to do. Once the cop was out the drive way I grabbed my 357 and 12ga shot gun and started lobbing rounds down in the pines. Got some yelling not to shoot but I kept pouring the lead in there. Pretty soon I see the guy in the open farm field next door. I tell wife as I load up my game bag with more ammo he is going to go back along the fence and go in the woods behind out barn and I plan on being there when he does. I chased that A HOLE all the way across the 1 mile section.
Next day I called and made an appoint with the counties procuting attorney and files a formal complaint on the cop. I was not the first and the clown is no longer a cop in my county. Word must have gotten out also that a crazy F,IN Jerk lives here and he doesn't mess around he will shoot you.
I wouldn't really but I sure ain't above making them chit them selves.
