Here Come the Thieves Again

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It sucks that an animal has to die because their owner is an idiot but sometimes it is the only way.

My former coworker has horses and had a neighbor lady move in with two pit bulls and felt it was their god given right to do what ever they felt on anyone's property. He shot one that was attacking a horse, she got another one. The he shot another one that cornered him against his building. She called the sheriff and he told her that she had better get her last dog under control. She moved away.
I know. We are dog people. One of our guard dogs is my avatar.

It sucks that an animal has to die because their owner is an idiot but sometimes it is the only way.

My former coworker has horses and had a neighbor lady move in with two pit bulls and felt it was their god given right to do what ever they felt on anyone's property. He shot one that was attacking a horse, she got another one. The he shot another one that cornered him against his building. She called the sheriff and he told her that she had better get her last dog under control. She moved away.
Never socialized. Always had dogs. Haven't had a pit yet but over years, 2 German Shepherds, a Rottie all great and lived long spoiled lives. Now a Doberman, Bichon, and Westie mix. All have been adopted.

Grandpa's saying when dogs in area created problems with livestock. "Shoot straigt, bury deep and keep your mouth shut". Fast forward 2 generations, sister and b.i.l and family live on old home place. Neice and nephews raise chickens, goats and rabbits for 4H. Nearest neighbors had dog that killed a few chickens. Complaints fell on deaf ear. Problems persisted, sheriff called. He knew exactly who the problem was! DUIs domesic calls, check fraud etc. Asked for value of livestock and he would present to them they denied it was their dog. Month later little nephew runs in that dog had chicken in its mouth and growling. BIL comes out with shotgun, dog is menacing, pop. Sheriff called. Livestock bill paid and they eventually moved.


I dispatched for he county for around ten years. Got a call about dogs chasing cattle. My respons "shoot them". "We can do that!??"

Yes indeed in this state.

Had a deputy sheriff who kept Llamas back when the rage for them was on. New family moved into the county with a couple dogs. Dogs were chasing the llamas killed a kria, deputy shot them. People called asking if they could at least talk to the owner? I told them they already had, it was that deputy. End of complaint.
Mine was trespassing hunter despite all my signs. I am getting ready for work so tell wife to call the sheriff. Deputy shows up listen to me telling him the guy is just over that hill in the pine trees about 25 yards from my house and yes it is firearm deer season.
Deputy refused to go in the pines and write him a citation for trespassing. I told him to git as he was worth less and I would take care of the problem my self. Took 20minutes to get rid of the useless pos, kept asking what I was going to do. told him none of his business as I would be doing part of what my tax dollars was paying him to do. Once the cop was out the drive way I grabbed my 357 and 12ga shot gun and started lobbing rounds down in the pines. Got some yelling not to shoot but I kept pouring the lead in there. Pretty soon I see the guy in the open farm field next door. I tell wife as I load up my game bag with more ammo he is going to go back along the fence and go in the woods behind out barn and I plan on being there when he does. I chased that A HOLE all the way across the 1 mile section.
Next day I called and made an appoint with the counties procuting attorney and files a formal complaint on the cop. I was not the first and the clown is no longer a cop in my county. Word must have gotten out also that a crazy F,IN Jerk lives here and he doesn't mess around he will shoot you.
I wouldn't really but I sure ain't above making them chit them selves.

:D Al
Mine was trespassing hunter despite all my signs. I am getting ready for work so tell wife to call the sheriff. Deputy shows up listen to me telling him the guy is just over that hill in the pine trees about 25 yards from my house and yes it is firearm deer season.
Deputy refused to go in the pines and write him a citation for trespassing. I told him to git as he was worth less and I would take care of the problem my self. Took 20minutes to get rid of the useless pos, kept asking what I was going to do. told him none of his business as I would be doing part of what my tax dollars was paying him to do. Once the cop was out the drive way I grabbed my 357 and 12ga shot gun and started lobbing rounds down in the pines. Got some yelling not to shoot but I kept pouring the lead in there. Pretty soon I see the guy in the open farm field next door. I tell wife as I load up my game bag with more ammo he is going to go back along the fence and go in the woods behind out barn and I plan on being there when he does. I chased that A HOLE all the way across the 1 mile section.
Next day I called and made an appoint with the counties procuting attorney and files a formal complaint on the cop. I was not the first and the clown is no longer a cop in my county. Word must have gotten out also that a crazy F,IN Jerk lives here and he doesn't mess around he will shoot you.
I wouldn't really but I sure ain't above making them chit them selves.

:D Al
mmm, if you were fired back at,,on your own you would...
The state police told me a good deterrent is your cell phone.It will not catch everyone but it may scare a would be thief into leaving you alone.

Rare time I sell something on CL, I relatively discretely take a pic of the license plate.

When someone shows up unexpected, I make a production of taking the pic.

There's a camera very visible from the driveway.

This summer there will be a couple more being added, much higher resolution. The models I'm looking at run on 12v so I think I can put my old ham radio skills to use and rig a solar panel and car battery along one of the telephone poles along my driveway (but still be in wifi range of the house so it can transmit the image when the motion detector is set off).

I also reckon while my place, which is well off the road, is starting to look presentable for awhile it had fallen into the category of "That guy doesn't have any money, and if he did he probably shoot us." :D
I visited PetCo today. Less than $5 buys a "Beware of Dog" sign. There are other dogs in the neighborhood and a couple are allowed to run loose, harmless as they may be. It might be a good bluff. I may just buy that and post it next to the stack of wood. I figure at this point, it can't hurt. The store manager agreed.
I found that last sentence funny. "No sir, I don't think you should buy my sign and post it if you don't really have a dog on duty there"...said no store manager, ever. :laughing:
That is a good idea though...
O ya i was in my underwear to.
I had to laugh at this reply. It reminded me of a incident several years ago. I was working in virginia and riding the train to work each week. at the time my bil was also working with me and he lived on the hill just pass my house. Anyways, we got off work really earl one week and we where going to have to wait on the train for several hours. we talked a guy (Bob) that lived in Chattanooga to give us a ride home.
Well, it was way up in the morning hours when we got to my house and when we realized we hadnt stopped and got gas in a pretty good while. My ride wasnt sure if he had enough gas to get home and there wasnt any gas stations anywhere close that was open at that time of nite. I kept a can of gas in the shed behind the house and told him I would get it and that should give him enough gas to get home or at least to Cleveland where stores would be open where he could buy more gas. As My bil and I walked to the back of the house, bil hit the side of the house with his hand. This was all it took to wake the wife up and we got back to the front of the house there she was holding a shotgun, nothing on but a tshirt and her panties hollering who'es out there. I hollered for her to get back in the house and looked for poor old bob. couldnt see him in the car. He had laid down behind the steering wheel afraid he was going to get shot. To this day, he cant tell you what my wife looks like or what kind of clothes she had on. He could give a pretty good description of the shotgun tho. :lol:
Well, I do have some good news to report. One of my friends who heard about the ash ripoff from my woodpile decided to give me a Father's Day present. He trimmed some big lower branches from the huge pin oak growing in his back yard, cut most of them to length and dropped them off at my work-in-process pile. It just about equaled the amount of split ash that was stolen.

I can process most of these into BBQ cooking wood for smokin' meat and dry the rest for firewood. Now that's what I call friendship!