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One thing to watch for, and I saw it happen several times when my boss took on partners over the years, is that as time goes by one partner tends to do more driving around and talking and "business stuff" while the other partner does actual work. My boss was the work guy and his "partners" always had reasons to go pick something up or go see someone or had to dress in non-work clothes for business talk and what have you.
And as the money starts to come in, the one who works less tends to work even less and "needs" to spend more time driving around and "taking care of things".
Good luck and watch out.
That's an interesting perspective '-)
Based on my experience both from being a worker and also having been a manager of some medium to large companies, I found that most 'workers' have no idea how to run a business. A lot of these guys are excellent at what they do, maybe even at the top of their game... and they decide to go into business for themselves since they're great at what they do. The trouble is that the 'work' is actually half of a business, and most customers have no ability to judge it anyhow. The other half is marketing, sales, tax, record keeping, training, hiring and firing, planning, expansion and strategy. Most 'workers' I know who go into business consider that half to be 'not my job'. It's tedious for them, they're tired after working, and sick of stupid customers who don't understand their job. They hate competing against other bidders, marketing is confusing, sales seems to mean getting talked down on price, taxes are a nightmare, record keeping is a complete nightmare! A blackhole of lost receipts, never to be found again! Hiring and firing means dealing with *******, training is a waste of time and planning means thinking about what gear is needed for tomorrows job. Sound familiar? Sure does, because that's every tree small company ever!
To succeed in business, you don't need to be good at the job, you need to be good at business! I can't believe how many guys overlook this fundamental truth. The smartest businessmen I know are successful in any industry. They are great salesmen, and great leaders. They love people! They love dealing with people, and people love dealing with them. They put the best face on things, instill confidence in customers and make friends everywhere. They get great prices for their work, even better prices than some guys who do a better job! They are ruthless about tax and record keeping, find the best workers, and bring out the best in those workers. They love competing! Just like a climber who loves being pushed to the edge with a complex climb, these guys are inspired by business. They've always got some edge or new idea to get ahead and reach that next level, always seem to have several irons in the fire and pull rabbits out of a hat at will. They may never have done the actual job in their whole lives!
You've got to know your own strengths and weaknesses. If you're a 'worker' who thinks 'business stuff' is a waste of time, you're probably better off working for someone else, because all that business stuff is going to do your head in. You'll get nowhere and spend all your time chasing your tail. I could never work with a partner, but if I found someone who was really good at business, I'd be pretty happy with a 50/50 split considering I'd basically just be a foreman or at best a general manager. Realistically someone who was great at business wouldn't need me as a partner, they could hire guys like me to fill those rolls for a lot less money and keep all the profit for themselves.