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Gypo Logger

Timber Baron
Dec 8, 2001
Reaction score
Yukon Territory
Hi Ginger, thanks for droping in. Its always nice to see saw toting women on this forum. What kind of trees do you have in your 60 acre bush?
The 2 saws you mentioned are probably the top selling saw that Stihl produces. Is your property vacant land or have you built a home there?
Keep in touch,
Welcome to this great forum Ginger. Don't be afraid to ask questions here. There is a wealth of knowledge here to explore.
Welcome aboard Ginger, nothing much prettier than a woman totting around a saw. There is such a great wealth of knowledge here feel free to ask questions.
Ginger...hi there...welcome...there is a great wealth of knowledge here..feel free to ask questions.(sorry guys..lol..couldnt resist)..or email me personally ;)

and dont believe anything that Gyro or dbabcock say about me...:D
welcome on. you will find a great wealth of information here. my wife runs the stihl 026 in lumberjill competitions. that is also her favorite. the 023 is too slow and other saws are too heavy.
becareful talking about your 60 arce bush to lambert. especially with a handle like Ginger. he has a history of showing up and clear cutting the land and leaving. he moved to canada from the usa when he was a lad and saw a sign that read "Drink CANADA DRY". that was many years ago but he is still trying.
the goverment has an approved method of finding john now. they spray the area with perfume then just follow the lambert terds (also known as empty beer cans). when he is found, he is walking around in circles with a chainsaw, a case of beer and a little hard wood. marty
""...and dont believe anything that Gyro or dbabcock say about me..."

Hey Ginger,
Gyro and I both say that Dennis is an excellent saw mechanic.
He's straight too.
Another thing you'll find on this forum is that there's usually quite a bit of "history" behind the posts that people make here. Once people get to know each other a little bit, sometimes we have a little fun. In the case of Gypo and myself, we have a lot of fun. We're always on Dennis's case because he's our friend.
The honest truth is that Dennis really is an excellent mechanic and a good friend. He has modified saws for many people on this board, myself and Gyro included. I've never heard anyone say anything negative about his work, services or ethic. You mentioned that your 026 was much easier to handle than the 044, well Dennis could make your 026 perform pretty much like your 044 and it would weigh and handle just like it did before. Check him out if you ever want to "tune-up" your saw.:D
Hey you guys, your just gonna scare Ginger away.
Gin, dont listen to these bunch of rednecks and hillbillies. As a matter of fact, I am the only poster here who has any tact or finesse when it comes to women woods workers. As for most of the other members, they are just slobbering, drunken, illitterate wannabe's.
Oh ya, I just wanted to let you know that I can drop start an 088 with no decomp valve. Others have boasted of the same ability, however, they usually remove the plug first.
Anyway, lets forget about the Macho stuff, lets get down to some sensitive diccusion about working in the bush.
lambert's 088 stihl

Hello Gypo,
If I can pry you away from shining up to ginger for a moment, When we cut the top off your 088 barrel and built a new hi- compression cylinder head we had to install 2 decompression valves because with only one decompression valve we just kept breaking the starter rope and attendent parts. I don't think you'll be drop starting it anymore
ol ken
Sorry bout that Ken, I guess I was getting off topic a bit.
Anywho, I gave some thought to what you said about the extra compression. To over come this problem I can subcribe to the "Windmill" start you mentioned in your book. For those that dont have the book yet, simply knot the starter handle of the saw around a lower limb of a tree, say... 6 ft. off the forest floor. Then, with everything you got, heave the powerhead down and around in a clockwise motion on half throttle lock. This unique method usually starts the saw first swing and generaly severs at least the limb it is wraped around, facilitating ease of removal from the branch stub.
If you havent access to a forest, the shower curtain rod in the bathroom will work almost equaly well.
P.S., Hi Ginger!
Bibliography: "Two Cycle Modification and How to Work in the Bush." by Ken Dunn, published 2002, by Rain Forest Press Ltd.,
Sacremento Calif.
that's just like you john, a new babe comes on the scene and you forget your buddies. if she looks anything like robyn you'll be selling everything you own to take another road trip. i guess we will talk to you when you get back. marty
Oh hi there Ginger! Your lookin awful good tonight with those chaps and all.
I gotta say I really envy you on the beautiful sounding property up there in the mountains in that tiny cabin. I once cut timber near a town called Paradise where the Butte Creek runs into Chico. I really miss those days though and long to go back there, as I have many very fond memories of falling those Sugar Pines and the Atlas Fir.
You seem to be a very independant and resourceful person and I sincerely wish you keep posting here.
Cordially Yours,
Your cordiality is very much appreciated Mr. Lambert! Are you sniffing shoe polish again...oh my f**in' word..where's that snifter.
SHUT UP! Kevin! Your just trying to make trouble! We dont even know yet if Ginger likes cowboy boots.
Oh, I almost forgot. Ginger, Ken Dunn is a superb auto mechanic as well, so if you ever rip out any oil pans climbing up to your tiny little cabin in the forest then Ken would be more than happy to fix it for you. Although It's probably not fair for me to volunteer Ken's assistance, I am sure he wouldnt mind. He lives near Bald Eagle Mtn. and is probably not far from you.
Nighty- Nite Ginger
Ok pard, I`ll try and keep your little secret hidden from her for at least another day, butt it will be hard to bare !
105 lbs, 5'5", owns two STIHLS, has 60 acres of woodland, a Range Rover, and a two room cabin! I think I'm in LOVE! :blob2: :blush:

What will we do with the other room???:confused: :p

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