I think I need to add this saw to the thread.
A Poulan Super 72 will pull a bow with authority....
A Poulan Super 72 will pull a bow with authority....
I think I need to add this saw to the thread.
A Poulan Super 72 will pull a bow with authority....
OK, this will expose how little I know about Bow Saws: can they be used (effectively) for falling?
OK, this will expose how little I know about Bow Saws: can they be used (effectively) for falling?
I've used a bow on a Homelite saw, then a Stihl 036, then an MS460 as my primary saw for decades. I heat with wood, and used to sell firewood before gas logs became so popular, and do tree removal (only part-time, by referral.) There are at least a hundred former trees that think a bow works just fine for felling. The only limitation is tree diameter; above maybe 20", maybe 24", it's easier with a straight blade.
I also find a bow easier to use cutting brush and small stuff when clearing an area around a tree before felling it.
I normally don't cut green trees for firewood, unless someone wants them removed.
Welcome to A.S. Steven!
Thanks very much. I was actually just noodling around to see if I could find a bow for my Stihl MS660, and bumped into this site. It's very interesting and seems very collegial.
Is it legal to ask here if there's anyone who might have a bow made for a Stihl to sell me? If not, might anyone be able to put me in touch with someone who could sell me one?
Welcome to A.S. Steven!
Thanks very much. I was actually just noodling around to see if I could find a bow for my Stihl MS660, and bumped into this site. It's very interesting and seems very collegial.
Is it legal to ask here if there's anyone who might have a bow made for a Stihl to sell me? If not, might anyone be able to put me in touch with someone who could sell me one?