Some really neat saws and ads guys.

Poulan Bow, Model K100
I would not be afraid to say that Mr bow saw and Sawbones has more saws and memorabilia than anyone on any other site, You two are such an asset on this site. Thanks for all the pics and giving us an enjoyable time looking at everything ya'll post. Wish i could rep each of ya five times.
LOL, They do make a guy drool don't they.You are bang on stihl sawing! But I have to tell you it is not good seeing all this stuff and having a badass case of CAD.It is making me sick quite frankly.I think I now have full blown CAD Greed.Totally incurable and as the doctors have told me, there is not a bit of hope on the horizon.Don't you fellas get it!!!!! NO HOPE NONE! AAHHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGG!