Biodiesel/ WVO
Preciate the info guys. Just bought a book tonite on the subject. Talked to a buddy who's been a diesel man for a long time. He drives a 91 f350 w a mech. inj. 7.3 eng. In the summer he reliably runs a 50/50 mix of filtered wvo and diesel and gets great mileage to boot. He said when its cooler he runs 75%diesel and 25% wvo. Hes even ran straight oil in the summer but that would clog the injectors in the winter. He then said he just bought a mid 80s mercedes sedan diesel and is tryin to configure a tank and a way to warm the oil. I told him we could use an aftermarket tranny cooler(they handle coolant,engine oil,tranny fluid,and diff cooling as well-fyi). The cooler will go on the inside of the homemade tank and the lines will protrude,on the ends well have barbed fittings, then rubber supply and return lines to the radiator! The engine at start up will run on the reg tank of reg diesel,once the engine's up to operating temp. the radiator will have heated the tank of fresh bio veg in the auxillary tank, he'll flip a switch,the aux. inline pump will fire and VOILA the mercedes will speed away for about a buck per gallon! He say's man, that's probably gonna be a great idea. Talked to someone else and they said we're right on, most all the kits available are set-up this way. A little messy, and a little bit of a pain but so is the 3.89 a gallon i just payed in knoxville tonite. I dont see it gettin better. We'll just have to keep it low key, because i've heard-fyi- that we may be taxed soon on the home brewed bio as well!