What type spark plug can replace the original plug in my homelite 26LCS…thanks guys
jUST IN CASE i misunderstood your original post about a replacement plug for the older plugs used in vintage saws the site linked below will give plenty of replacement plug numbers, I can still get Champion J8C and NGK BPMR7A,that`s what I use most often, https://no.sparkplug-crossreference.com/convert/CHAMP_PN/J8What type spark plug can replace the original plug in my homelite 26LCS…thanks guys
Do those plugs have the screw on tipjUST IN CASE i misunderstood your original post about a replacement plug for the older plugs used in vintage saws the site linked below will give plenty of replacement plug numbers, I can still get Champion J8C and NGK BPMR7A,that`s what I use most often, https://no.sparkplug-crossreference.com/convert/CHAMP_PN/J8
I don`t think any of the modern plugs I have seen have the screw on tips any more. For the old saws that required the screw on tips I have to dip into my spare stash of NOS Champion J8`s. Most of my old vintage saws have had their high tension leads changed out to modern plug boots.Do those plugs have the screw on tip
Do those plugs have the screw on tip?
That’s what I’m doing right now lolI don`t think any of the modern plugs I have seen have the screw on tips any more. For the old saws that required the screw on tips I have to dip into my spare stash of NOS Champion J8`s. Most of my old vintage saws have had their high tension leads changed out to modern plug boots.