Mister Wizard
I've seen several C/XP series saws with sealer similar to that inside the tanks. Sometimes it's black, sometimes it's red. The saw I pictured above had red sealer inside. These saws have a thin, wimpy tank cover gasket and fragile little tank cover screws. The sealer is an effort to deal with leaks. My C-5 weeps, and I've been putting off fixing it as those damn screws have a tendancy to bust of flush with the casting upon removal.
The busted case on the saw I was working on was probably due to some force being exerted on the saw (such as it being ran over by a tractor). The handlebar has some significant 'spring' to it at the lower mounts. In order to get the bolts in, I needed to pull them apart about 2" or so. The saw probably got rolled onto its side as it was being ran over. The cracked muffler cover and a few other battle scars bear my theory out. These saws are just so damn stout that it was able to survive without more damage. A more fragile saw (such as a Homelite 650/750) probably would have been all crunched up. If I work something out with Randy and this saw stays with me, I'll probably replace the crankcase at some point. Since the saw is a good useable runner as is, this repair is low priority for me. Gotta strip it all the way down to the crankshaft when doing that swap....
The busted case on the saw I was working on was probably due to some force being exerted on the saw (such as it being ran over by a tractor). The handlebar has some significant 'spring' to it at the lower mounts. In order to get the bolts in, I needed to pull them apart about 2" or so. The saw probably got rolled onto its side as it was being ran over. The cracked muffler cover and a few other battle scars bear my theory out. These saws are just so damn stout that it was able to survive without more damage. A more fragile saw (such as a Homelite 650/750) probably would have been all crunched up. If I work something out with Randy and this saw stays with me, I'll probably replace the crankcase at some point. Since the saw is a good useable runner as is, this repair is low priority for me. Gotta strip it all the way down to the crankshaft when doing that swap....
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