Indiana John
ArboristSite Operative
I got one of these (made in 96) that one of my buddies brought to me to get running for him a while back. I kept putting it off, knowing without even looking at it that it would be a PITA (after all, it's a Homelite!), hoping he'd finally just break down and buy a real saw. And he did (got a Stihl)! Anyway, I got bored and decided to pull it out of the case and check it out. He told me back when he first got it, that he found it in the case laying along some tracks his gang was working on (railroad). He figured it was just a case till he opened it up and found the saw still in it so he took it home. I guess he used it a couple of times and then had it stored in his shed for quite a while before trying to use it again, and that's when he couldn't get it to start. Fast forward to tonight: The saw almost looks new, so I dumped a little fresh fuel in it, pumped up the primer, and tried to start it. No dice. Doesn't even try to fire, so I go thru the usual drill and attach the spark tester and verify spark. Nice spark, so I pull the plug to see if it's getting fuel. Plug is wet, so I figure that maybe I flooded it. Clean the plug and blow out the cylinder, try again with choke and throttle wide open. Still nothing. Pull the plug and it's wet again. Hmmm. So at this point I'm figuring that maybe the "float" needle is stuck open in the carb. And that's when I start wondering what I've gotten myself into! Apparently there is no freaking way to work on the carb without tearing the saw clear down. WTF!! So I pull the bar & chain, remove the recoil, disconnect the throttle rod from the carb, and remove the two screws in the top of the case as well as the two in the bottom. Don't see anything else so I start to slide the engine out of the main case. No go! I look again and still don't see anything else that could be holding it in there. What the hell am I missing here? I can't believe that anybody would design a saw that you have to go thru all this just to work on the carb! I'm just about ready to throw it all in a box and pitch it in the corner....... What a POS!

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