I have a Super XL Automatic that I bought for twenty bucks because it had no spark. It has the blue coil. I wrapped the coil in aluminum foil, to keep the fumes down, set the oven at 300 degrees, and put the coil in the oven. When the oven had warmed to 300 degrees I baked it for ten additional minutes and then shut the oven off and let it cool down.
Reinstalled the coil and it had spark and has worked without a problem. I have cut 5 or 6 pick up loads of wood with it.
It is worth a shot and costs nothing to do.
Aparently at 300 degrees the varnish in the coil softens and somehow resets itself.
Man ..... they don't teach that in small engine class. Sweet idea! I just pick this up. Has a bad carb I believe. Looked pretty sweet, so I was suckered in to buying it. Anybody know the build date from the serial number?
I love these saws and still use them to cut when I'm having fun. I have to admit that they really wear out the part of my hand that I lost feeling in from cutting the tendons and they really crush the fuel/mix can.