Homelite XL-7E

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Hello spring.Heres the phone # for banta saws.705-924-2645.Toll free fax 1-800-359-1993.There you are best of luck.Had my 76 out cutin up a storm today.Man love that saw.For a 3.55 cubic inch engine 58 cc still takes a pritty good new saw to out cut them even after 20 or 25 years.Talk later.Don
Today's adventure


Looking kinda sad. :(


Little chunks of black gluck in front of saw is old fuel line pos.

Shoot, add second pic later lol :dizzy: Ok, for some reason or other my pics aren't coming through (small jpg.s too)>>edit, took a bit of brain work but finally there, sheesh!

Thanks Don, I talked to a friend who works as a mech on boats and saws who can supply me with the gasline and grommets I need. As per picture #2, the stuff in front of the saw that looks like rat scat is the old line, took me a while to dig all of it out of the tank, resembles chewed licorice. The filter is cleanable so I'll reuse it. The green arrow is where the two (both short) fins are missing, I don't think it'll be a problem. Soaked down the carb in and out with WD40, hopefully that'll be enough to free up any varnish inside.
The shop at the marina has quite a 'dead saw' stash so I'm going to see if I can pillage it and maybe find another magneto and an old 20" bar that is in fair condition. When I retension the recoil spring I try for spark *crosses fingers* tomorrow. So far so interesting. Till later,
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Ya sprig, salt spring island were abouts is that.You you on one of the small islands in the queen charlots.Have you ever been to a place called eggmont bc the wifes dad and second wife ran the restrant at the eggmont marina back in the late 70s.I was there for a visit and a fishing holiday.Fished a plaace called the [sp]scupimchuck.I have a lot a relitives out threw there.Quineil ,robson, campbell river,caslegar,trail and .comox.You any weres close to any of these places.Later Don.
Heya, nope. SSI is southern Gulf Islands, just off the southern east coast of Vancouver Island, sort of due-west of Vancouver, north of Victoria around the 48th parallel yada-yada. Never been much further north than Bute Inlet on the coast (sailing) which is fairly south of the Charolettes though I know of where you speak. Spent lots of time on Van.Is. (18yrs) and travelled it up and down over the years, Courtney and the Comox valley are beauty areas, sounds like its been a while since you were out here, maybe time for a wee holiday and some real fishing lol :D
Where I am>http://www.isleofviews.com/panafulf.html, one of our local's projects, (the 360 degree panorama thing, really worth a check-out even for those not interested), in the Fulford Harbour one you will see our local watering hole (hole being the operative word there :D) and the harbour I am fortunate enough to splash around in periodically, and I am about 2mi down the road, kinda nice here. In the one titled Fulford valley you'll see a big humpy-back mountain which is where I spent 12 mostly happy years playing in the woods and caretaking a wee lake and 1500 acres of 2nd growth forest :chainsaw: , sort of miss that spot. That is it for the tour lol, :cheers:
Hi sprigThanks for the tour, some great pictures.Nice looking area.Yes I will have to see if I can make it out to vancouver island.My sister boys out there ,he lives in Campbeell river,and work for one of the big logging companys.Hes a cartographer.Or a map maker.In fact he was just back home last week for a visit.He be out there for the last 10 years.He met a girl at work and married and has 2 girls now and a house so I guess we have lost him.lol.Anyways I guess I had better head for the log pile and get doing some cutter.For fire wood.I am feeding 3 wood stoves some I have to keep at it .Talk to you later.Don.
:) Heya Don, yup, made it to town and picked up the line I needed, now the grommets turned out to be a problem, they didn't carry any that were snug on the line. I salvaged the piece of grommet from the old line (carb side) and cleaned it up, took out the old guck etc., it too had a hole that was too large, but, I had some 3/8 clear line into which the new line fits tightly and is now tight in the grommet (necessity being the mother of invention), and since the nipple on the carb is larger than the one on the filter this works for me, so today I'm putting that back together. What is the best way to assure the proper gap on the flywheel magnets, as in what should it be, someone here mentioned a 'couple of pieces of paper thick'? Saw guy at the shop said no worries about the missing fins btw but will hunt around the parts pile see if he can find another one, I'm not holding my breath on that though. Update later today.
Hi SPrigGood to hear you got the gas line figured out.For the air gap between the flly wheel and the coil I just use a small advertizeing card ,like the bissness hand out .They are about .10 thosands.Works for me.You never did say what that saw has for a coil.Blue black,or what.If you clean up the flywheel it will either say prestolite repco or wico.Then I will no which ignition were working with.Ok I will wait to hear.Later Don.
I am Freakin' Deaf!!!! Todays tribulations.

Solved the grommet problem, 3$ package from the local car parts peeps, different sizes, cool. Get em home and have a cocktail or two and decide it is time to put it all together. Fine. First, yes Don, I said it was blue, last post I think, I also have no idea if that means anything lol. Bigger clear hose will not fit through the sizes I have bought, the small ones are too small, the largest, hm, ain't right. After fighting with the larger version and finally getting the thing in, low and behold, the small (nice) gas hose is cozy/snug going through the casing. I ran the smaller hose into a piece of the larger, cut the larger off so it fit on carb p/u and put it on. Ran about 9" of the new hos into the tank and fished it out, installed the filter and took a bit of time to make sure it lay nicely on the bottom of the fueltank where it belongs with not too much extra length to push it around when I put it on its side. Now the fun parts 1 & 2.
Time to respring the recoil, a joyous thing I made much easier by using a piece of twist-tie wire pushed through the vents, to pull the spring back, so the assembly will go back on, (generous use of red axle grease on plastic shaft sleeve) once on, pull wire (now straight) out. Put back in bolts, am missing one and notice the threads in the drain one are a bit stripped, have just acquired a tap-set I'll deal with that later. Turn once or twice, get the tension, run the cord through, thread through handle and tie off. Putting the unit back on was a trip, two screwdrivers spreading the dogs to get it back on, nice without a third hand, but in retro-spect, much easier after the fourth time. One side on, time to test the recoil. I was quite surprized to find that this little bugger has tons of comp (will test later but have 'el cheapo' tester, just curious anyhow), like twice the pull of my o8s (uh oh), pull the plug to make sure I'm not dreaming and it spins like a top, coolagain. Time to put the bar on, I don't bother with the chain, it is hooped (if I have to sell it I'll have to put it on, 'see, it works, get a new bar and chain' ), I found an intereating thing,. I could not get the darned thing together. For some duh reason I didn't look at the bar, (making an azz outta myself), assuming the bar adjustment holes were symetrical. Doh! It is an old Pioneer blade and one of the holes it modified ( I had the silly thing upside down). Now I am worried and will check to make sure the oiler holes are open come to think of it. Any how, get it together.
Time for gas, have some 32:1 for the sthil, close enough imho, add a cup or two. I figure since I'm not running a chain I won't add chain oil, I am still dealing with blobs of it everywhere from finding out the lower right case bolt is also the frkin drain plug, ***** and the Tar Bably relived, with cat paw prints though. Time for a pull or two and see if I can suck fuel. Pull, (turn to 'on' oops) pull, pull, nothing. Take a rest. Look at fuel line 2mins later, ah-ha, gazoleeeen! Pull pull, snap the cord. :( Great, my guests feed me drinks while I re-do the rope.
All done, everything is go. Pull....... PUTTER SPUT! Pull, nothing (yes choke is out). Pump throtle several times, set stop, pull.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! :chainsaw: Smoke is everywhere, the cat tears outta here, friends think there are better things to do, I cannot hear anything anywhere, it is loud, so loud there are now 12 robins out there that will never hear the cat coming.
Holy carp it started! Not only started, idles, idled for a wee bit, till I wot (slightly - though just in case) and the gods cheered, the little beast runs and I am beside myself in disbelief. Time for the next stages, bar/chain, maybe drive sprocket, and some decisions.......... Keep and run or sell and run.........hmmmmmmmmm. Better get the winters wood in before I decide, who knows what next will fall my way lol. Will update soon, much more to do yet, but.......WOOT!!!!
:greenchainsaw: Thanks all!
Cheers, more pics soon!
Yahoo,sprig.Good for you man,your hired.lol.Yes and now you have a muffler moded saw and you didnt even have to touch the muffler.Dont worry the birds will get over it and will still do there nesting thing.So hows it feel to have a real canadain made saw in your palms. Now go get a 20' homey bar and a 3/8 x50 x70 driver chain so you can fine tune the carb.Then find a good hard length of log and have at it.I bet you will wonder what the heck you ever bother with that old o8 sthil.Sell that one cause once you you that 76 you will never be useing the sthil again.Grt your self a set of ear plugs and keep it sharp and blow out the saw often and run it on that 32/1 mix and you will never look back.Let me know how you make out or if you need some more help.Later Don.

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