John Paul Sanborn
Above average climber
...the owner revs the loader engine while pushing the tree with a bucket to get you to cut faster
...the owner revs the loader engine while pushing the tree with a bucket to get you to cut faster
Many years ago I talked to a guy who could not work for his Dad. He said his Dad was the type of guy who would make a face cut in the tree if you were moving too slow on the TD.
Many years ago I talked to a guy who could not work for his Dad. He said his Dad was the type of guy who would make a face cut in the tree if you were moving too slow on the TD.
When.....the foreman tells you that the top he is cutting may land in the very active double set of RR tracks. "Put on a reflective vest and be ready to get it off the tracks, so a train doesn't hit it, OK?"
You know you've taken a job for the wrong tree company when you hate the hours and then remember that you work for yourself.:greenchainsaw:
Mr. HE
when the boss asks "u know how to lace a tree, right?"
The boss issues you with safety glasses and a white coat, then shows you the meth lab!
when the boss asks "u know how to lace a tree, right?"
the boss is the only one with a hard hat, " you want one, go buy one"
the boss says "the bolts on the main bearing on the lift are loose, so be careful"
the boss gets mad that u wont let anybody use YOUR climbing gear on the weekends for side jobs