How did you get your handle?

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My first Tree company I started

That was before I learned about the yellow pages and companies that start with the letter A
Believe it or not but some booze had somthing to do with it. We was driving around in the country doing some drinking and we needed to stop and take a whiz. Everybody piled out and got through with their business and they asked what was taking me so long. I replied " Just inspecting the bushes."

It was also my CB handle for a good number of years.
Believe it or not but some booze had somthing to do with it. We was driving around in the country doing some drinking and we needed to stop and take a whiz. Everybody piled out and got through with their business and they asked what was taking me so long. I replied " Just inspecting the bushes."

It was also my CB handle for a good number of years.

Thanks for the clarification. I just assumed that you were a frequenter of str!p clubs.
I would say my arms are my strongest part, but milking cows has changed alot since the old days. I have milked in a barn where you had to dump the milk into a bucket and carry it to the bulk tank, so I know how hard it used to be, but now we have things quite a bit easier. Don't get me wrong farming is still hard work, but we have things better now than we used to.

Kyle:) :)

I'll second that, but have never gotten the "joy" of milking with dumpstations or straight to the bulk tank...only 17 if that says anything. We've still got the milk strainer+basin from when my parents and grandparents did it like that. A couple smaller farms around us still milk this style. Right now we've got all 3" SS pipeline, double 6 flat barn parlor, 2 bulk tanks, and 96 holstiens to fill them. I felt spoiled going back to the automatic take offs after being at the county fair every summer for a week milking w/ out the auto take off.

oh yea back to the thread. While I was playin football in 8th or 9th grade me and a buddy rang each others "bells" while on kick off (i was on return). I blocked him and he returned it just as hard (his nickname is billy goat), we both went in a pile dizzy as all hell. friends on sidelines said we had bashed our helmets pretty good-like a mountain goat fight/battle.

I started growing a beard when I was 14, but most of the hair started under my chin. Right now at 17 i've got more facial hair than some guys twice my age...but i keep it lookin good-hate it when kids try to copy it and look like a shaggy mutt.

Friends put the two together, goat and chin, whoolllaaa....goatchin is my nickname and handle
Took the first letter from each of our names.


Recently had another kid so I threatned to name em Agnes. I did not win that battle so now it should be AGGNES.

Still toy with the idea of selling firewood on the side so the name would work great. Also it is helpful when getting the kids involved with the wood chores. I remind them that their name would be part of the business name.
When Istarted driving dump truck old timer gave me the CB handle Rookie. After I got expirience new drivers would show up with boa####l handles and mess with me until I proved they couldnt hang with me. And Rookie was taken already and I see that guy hasnt been on AS for a long time. I had to add 1.:clap:
It's pretty much my name everywhere elso on the internet. But it got its start on ebay and is still my name there.

A & A Books-Ashtyn and August Books-My two oldest kids. Since they don't allow & symbol had to go with and. I used to sell books on ebay and a few other sources.
iCreek - i = Internet and Creek = we have lots of creeks on our farm.

I also own a LLC for computer services name DigitalCreek, and I use iCreek as a company name for hosting services. Purchased the domain name in 1999, used mostly for posting pictures in hobby related forums such as here on AS.
when i was younger i would go fishing with my father and his friend would always call me Zackman, so i just kept it. As for the 1801, just a creative number i came up with a long while ago that i liked for some reason, i think that it was a combo for a lock or something, but i just kept it because i can always still remember that number for some reason.
Ever since I was a quite young I have imagined owning a cabin in the woods. Living a more simple, hardy life, very self sufficiently. Giving back at least as much as I use, taking no more than I needed from the land and using all of it without waste. I dreamed of raising a family and life on a mountain , back in the woods. A wife by my side, children at my feet and looking out on all that was ours.

Alas, I am in Kansas, in a city, on the prairie . The woodlands are just big enough that you can throw a rock from one side to the other. We started out in WV at the end of a hogback North of Wesston. Turns out the wife couldn't live like that. Now she is gone and the last of the children are nearly grown. I still have the dream.

At best it is a misnomer, but it suits me.
Years ago it was a pseudo-derogatory nickname that the private EMS folks (in the Springfield, Ma. area) used to refer to Firefighters. Mostly because they felt we got in the way at medical calls.

Well, much time has passed, many of those firefighters (bucketheads) are now EMTs & Paramedics and most of those private service EMTs & Paramedics have become firefighters. The term is rarely used anymore but, I like to keep it alive in my online endeavors........
A Stihl 051 was the first "real" saw I ever bought. I didn't know much about saws at the time, but I did know Stihls were the best (my dad always heated the house with wood told me that a LONG time ago, which is funny b/c he has a Husky which never caused a bit of trouble and was and still is a great saw), and that $40 for a good running saw that seemed pretty big seemed too good to pass up... Still have it and use it, although I just gave it a nice re-do and got a twinsie for it.
I ride and race hare scrambles and a few GNCC's on a KTM. Well, I used to until I decided to go with a Yammie this year...

BTW-- I know a Bucket Head... he got hat name in H.S. H. played ball with me and his head would not fit ANY helmet on the team so he got the name that way....

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