An admirer & devotee of Stihl chainsaws. It's rare IMO, that one can own a piece of equipment that is built to the exacting standards of Stihls( No guffaws from the Husky Camp...

All the way to the chopping block and then to the fire see Icon !!:rockn:
Believe it or not but some booze had somthing to do with it. We was driving around in the country doing some drinking and we needed to stop and take a whiz. Everybody piled out and got through with their business and they asked what was taking me so long. I replied " Just inspecting the bushes."
It was also my CB handle for a good number of years.
I would say my arms are my strongest part, but milking cows has changed alot since the old days. I have milked in a barn where you had to dump the milk into a bucket and carry it to the bulk tank, so I know how hard it used to be, but now we have things quite a bit easier. Don't get me wrong farming is still hard work, but we have things better now than we used to.