How Do You Keep Motivated

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I have the same problem at times with motivation, especially if I am working by myself alot. I set myself goals and give myself rewards if I achieve them. one of mine is to get a gsxr1000. May take a while...
<b>yeh bill's motivate me,but what about motivation and life beyond bill's ???</b>

I've got a blonde bullwhip that makes sure I stay motivated.
Yeah the blonde'll work, and how about four hungry kids looking at you to model success for them? Teaching them to do well by example; that keeps me on the up and up (mostly :blush: )

And how about the trees, and the earth that you leave better than when you found it? At the end of the day, when the kids are gone, that'll keep pushing me til I'm done.

Ran into a friend yesterday doing vounteer work at a local garden. He retired from the tree biz at 59, summer home in Montana, no worries. That may be a goal for some of the 20-30-somethings here; he worked hard for a while and is happy now. :cool:

I'm right behind him in age but don't want to retire; it'd be boring for me I think. Graaaadually taper off on the physical work and get more involved in other ways. Increased understanding and working smarter is the goal that motivates me to learn more and keep my hand in.
The biggest problem I find is when those around you lose motivation through personal problems, sick kids etc, that can be enough to drag anyone down, but the job still has to be done come what may. I usually listen to the gripes, change the subject have a laugh then crack on so they have to work hard to forget their worries for the time being.
i think the reason its a bit slack at the mo Rolla is because we got an election on the way, and that always leads to a bit of uncertainty in the market place, which in turn filters down to everyone at the grass roots of industry, it'll soon pick up again, then you can moan about how much money youre getting and dont know what to buy next.
Those around you are key. When I'm in the dumps I try to hang out with my more positive freinds.

The misery loves company thing is a negitive feedback cycle.

I allso go down to the VA and see all the other vets who have it worse them me, it puts my aches and pains in perspective. There but by the Grace of God go I.

So what my legs and arms don't work as well as they used to, I still have them, and they still get me up the tree.

Though getting out of bed is harder then it used to be, though a certain Polish-American girl does give me a little motivation on that part :angel:
teressa green said:
have a release ,

One of our arborist just left and after he heard the visabilty in the water was 35 feet........ as he walked out he said he was going to kill something. Translation: he was going spearfishing :blob2:
The course i'm doing drags a bit and work can be hard as i'm on the bottom rung and the mo - i have to make the tea and i'm the first to be sent into a ditch full of nasty water to get stuff out thats fallen in - but we'v all got to start some where havn't we ?? i jus think about the time i worked at a place called CCL - it was a aerosol factory - 8 hours a day - 30 min luch and 2x10min *** breaks - packing foot deoderant in to boxs - i worked there on two seperate occasions - the longest stint i did was 2 shifts! - and i'v worked in enough other factorys to know that i never want to work in another again.

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