How do you old salts deal with poison ivy?

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i get it alot so now when i get it i can deal with it dont itch it wont spread so bad if its unbearable scrub the chit open till it bleeds pour bleach on it cuss jump and do a lil dance go to bed and all will be better in the morning.....
Work smarter...have someone else do it. Any oil/grease cutting soaps work. I know if it is tempting to wipe your face but don't when working in PI. Talking with an older fellow with experience in life told me to eat a pb&j sandwich with a young PI leaf in it when the plant first flushes growth. I haven't tried it, a girl I work with did three weeks ago I will let you know how that turns out.
Well Luckly I dont get it, but the GF does and she gets mad as hell when I bring it home on my clothes... However This stuff seems to kill poison of all sorts, bug bites, and sore stiff muscles.

I buy it at TSC
I'm sitting here, right now, with the complete side of my right knee covered in pi rash. To tell you the truth, I'm used to getting attacks every now and then, but I try to avoid them. This time we were doing fire prevention clearing above a city hiking trail. PI was everywhere but I was careful. I think what happened was I came home, stripped in the garage, brushed my pants against my knee and the stage was set. It really sucks because I have big bottles of anti-PI lotions, pre-exposure stuff, wipes, etc. I just wasn't careful enough after I got home. Damn urushiol! Benadryl lotion lets me sleep at night, and I slap it on before work, too. Climbed all morning, today, in 90 degree weather. Never scratched, once.
Zanfel, Technu, naptha soap. I ain't got none on me and I was climbing and cutting through it. Justr got this zit in my belly button which is kinda gross and irritating.
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Side note - cortico-steriods can increase blood sugar in diabetics.

I've got poisen ivy on a tree in my yard, I sprayed it and everything above where I couldn't reach still lives on. What's the best way to kill it?

I've used Round Up for years and have had great results.Plus you should cut the vine at ground level after the leaves die.
i get it alot so now when i get it i can deal with it dont itch it wont spread so bad if its unbearable scrub the chit open till it bleeds pour bleach on it cuss jump and do a lil dance go to bed and all will be better in the morning.....

I've done that before and I was itch free by morning.Just make sure to wash off the bleach with soap and water immediately after.
I've done that before and I was itch free by morning.Just make sure to wash off the bleach with soap and water immediately after.

I used to get it pretty terrible while falling timber, for a few years it didnt bother me, and then Katrina decided to ravage the southeast, and I had it bad then.

An old italian lady I was working for years ago, told me about the bleach. That is ABSOLUTELY the best way to git rid of the stuff. She told me to cut it with H20, like 50/50, but I find it works best straight. I make a note to tear open all of the spots, then douse them in bleach, usually using a rag to apply. IT WILL BURN LIKE HELL. After that, your all set. Within 24 hours, it will all be dead.

If your into taking care of your skin, this is probly not the option for you, but if you want the crap gone, and gone quick, good ol' clorox is the answer.

Oh, and stand outside where there is plenty of ventilation, and nothing to get effed up by the bleach. Bad news if you ruin Momma-San's carpet while dancing around and screaming in pain from the bleach.
you'll probably never get it that bad again....

the stuff doesn't bother me, I'll get a few very small spots and if I'm scratched I'll get a bit there........

"My sister-n-law is a Dermatologist. From what she explained to me is that the allergetic reaction to poison ivy or any allergy builds up over time and most people develope allergies as they age and are exposed to whatever it is they are allergic too. However, the more your around it, the more you become desensitized..............."


"Once a reaction occurs, repeated exposures further increase sensitivity. Conversely, long periods with no exposure will reduce an individual’s susceptibility."

That confirms my experience with growing up with oak and treating fire fighters with it on large fires.

The Doc that did the retin-A studies is the same guy who did the definitive studies on urisol in the 1950's.
I remember reading where he said that he thought if exposed enough 95% of humans would eventually develop a reaction, but that he did not know why the other 5% would not.
I do not believe that we have gained that level of knowledge in the intervening years.
Sleep well

I remember an Indian guy from the SW on the Silver Fire in Oregon in 1987.

You could see his oak rash progress in 10 minute increments.

This was even though he was on a double prescription of prednisone.

It was a bit scary.


I've posted before on this....
Tecnu WORKS, use the cleaner after exposure, if you don't get to it in time and get a rash, still use the Tecnu cleaner, reduces the severity.
My hubby is dreadfully allergic, and I am average so I don't take on PI jobs...he used to put bleach on the blisters, but did it too much once when he had a bad case and mildly poisoned himself...he felt real bad for a couple of days, so we don't do THAT any more!

I have PI glimpse and I'm off in the opposite direction, just not worth it...:)
If you live here and want to work regular you have to deal with it sometimes. I am fortunate, I very seldom react to it. I climbed a big sweetgum awhile back on a takedown that had 6 to 8 ft. P.I. suckers growing 40ft. up it- put on a rain coat in the middle of summer and up I went. Still got blisters on my neck. none on my face though- had a beard. Had a Samoan guy for a while who got it so bad it would make your skin crawl. He'd look like he'd been beat with a horsewhip afterwards but he wouldnt stay away from it despite me telling him I would get those trees.
My moms family grew up on a small farm and had one jersey cow for milk. They drank the milk straight, no pasteurization, eventually they all built up an immunity to it. The stone walls were covered with PI and the cows would eat it, so in essence they were innoculated! Unfortunately, when I was 8 mygrandfather got rid the jersey and just kept herefords, so no milk for me. I get it bad too, when I was 13 burning brush I got it all over my face. 10+ years later Im still missing half of an eyebrow!!!