I have 2 box's set up off to the side , 1 is my splits and the one on the left is my kibbles. Any thing not big enough to split or short cut offs, limbs, knots...all go in there and are burnt in fall and spring, it all makes heat for me.
I just pile them by woods to be as I splitting and stack and those are the first things to heat with. The longer goofy stuff goes on the top of the stack sometimes if real wet.
I also police up the splitter shreds in boxes and set in garage to dry. When I have to relight the stove after cleaning just pile in some wrinkled news paper set the box on top and boom instant kindling chain for some small branches them logs.
This year I decided to get rid of all my shorts/uglies. They've been building up for several years. I moved them all to the little shed a few steps from the back porch. Been burning them for several weeks now, Carring in theshorts in 5gal buckets a few a day. Just about done with the shorts and will be carrying armloads of the crooks/knots/longs after the last of the shorts (about 3 days worth yet).
I throw them in a pile on a pallet and when they build up enough I drop that at my buddies house. His dad is retired and for whatever reason he loves the uglies knots and crotches. I already have a bin full seasoning so I don't really need more.
I just have a crib or basket built out of pallets to get plenty of air. Mine are all the shorts left from cutting 16-17" pieces for selling. I have about 1/2 cord of those and they are good chunks of oak, locust, ash, walnut, etc.... I store them in my barn high and dry and just fill feed sacks and carry them in the house. My wife enjoys them cleaner, easier and burn better in our stove. Happy wife =
i made a bin out of old pallets for odds and cutt offs
i call them "jammers"
i burn them when i am home i just jam the stove full of jammers
they don't last as long as full length pieces due to there smaller size so they go pretty quick, hence why i only burn them when i am home