I have helped my father cut trees at my house since I was 5. I cut my first tree (12" DBH or so Hickory) with an axe at age 6.
In 1998, a the first huge storm rolled through our area, and we lost over 1000 trees. We had it cleaned up in a year, and in that we bought a stump grinder (RG 50) to grind our stumps and to grind on the side to make our money back. I spent my 12th summer (I was 12) grinding stumps for a good little while at our house.
In 2001 the second big storm came through. That year we bought a new RG 85 in Jan, and the storm came through in Feb. That year we grossed over 80k in stumps alone.
In 2002 another huge storm came through the city (we live in the county). We didnt lose anytrees this storm, but the tornado missed our property by 200-300 yards.
In this storm I went out and helped people with various things. I used our multi mount winch to pull a 75' 3' DBH oak off a house. I pulled some trunks out of an old lady's driveway, and pulled a camper off the side of the house and then put it back on its tires. I did all of this by myself, at age 15. I also went around helping various tree companies with whatever they needed in the way of some heavy pulling. I did this all without exspecting money, but, like they should, they all paid me something. I also helped FEMA remove trees off of houses and the like.
The main thing that helped me then was that I looked 18-19, so they werent afraid of a kid getting hurt.
I didnt climb any that I remember, maybe a bucket truck for a second, but nothing too major.
I started my tree buisness in August 2003.
Now I am cutting trees full time, and have 2 full time ground men, and 1 part time groundman, but I am looking for a second part timer. I have done a huge amount of work for my time in the field, IMO. I have delt with many different people, and learned alot.
I figure that by this august I will have grossed over 50k in trees. That is with August through May being in school, and now I am going full time till august 18, when I go to college. I am unsure about the stump company, but it gets calls everyday, and has averaged 40ish thousand a year, doing it part time.
Another thing that has helped me is I was in COPE with the boy scouts and became an instructor (unofficially) at age 14. I took the course 2 summers in a row, then started being an instructor, normally running the reppeling tower or the rock wall.
(Not trying to sound like TC/GM/PP)
One thing my father has always told me is that I am an only child, and that I am givin alot, but that alot is exspected outta me. My father has shown me many things, and has helped me enormously. I have takin that, and ran with it. I am not afraid to tackle any obstical, and have enough common sense to figure things out. You can ask anyone who knows me, and they will tell you I am very analitical, I figure out the problem, and get to fixing it.
I too have spent alot of time with automotives and working on equipment. We do almost all of our own manteince, and by 8 years old I was changing the oil by myself, and other routine things like brake work and general manteince.
Hope this has offered some insight. I am fully planning to be at this years TCI show, I hope to meet alot of yall there. Who knows, maybe a road trip?

Na, too much time away from work as it is. I leave next Wed on senior trip.