i don't do it; but Murph's idea of taking an opener face lower (by not needing lower space for bottom face; gives more leverage of pull agianst a slightly lower C.o.B., and more wood etc. i think, and powers the stump over in one move; is pretty efficient, good mechanichs, depending on cutting time. i think cutting bottom face up is harder than cutting top face down. Now at what angle the saw hitting the fiber comes into play, and at what angle it is efficient to do so , may be another matter.
i think that quite logically, the only travel on the hinge needed is the smallest constraint of:
When the arching overcomes the flexibility of the fibers(brittleness)
When the leveraged load overcomes the hinge(strength)
or the allowable arc of movement between lean and arrival(arc).
Any more open in the face than this smallest of the 3 constraints, is superfluous(?). The first thing that gives, determines the point where the arch on hinge stops; the lean determines the starting positon, arc needed, the distance between.
On the allowable arc, 90 degrees would only be needed for falling from straight vertical to straight horizontal. Any lean towards target would need less degrees of arc; could use less opened face. Then, the stop would be when the head hit firmly, perhaps lessening needed arc space from that side too.
But it would only need that much of the alllowable arc, if it had enough strength and flexability to hold on that long against the ever increasing leveraged load. Few hinges can hang on to a spar parallel to the ground/ most leveraged position like one of Daniels recent pix in another thread, so the allowable arc on hinge needed is usally less than 90 degrees without being a back leaner IMLHO. In the air, a different story; sometimes go towards reaching for a 180, in proper wood and support line Aussie's faceless trick into the less loaded axis to the side of the branch works well here too i think.
Sometimes closing before needed changes the direction of the force from down forward to throwing forward into the face and up to thump ground less hard with butt end i think.
8.)Weather or not, looks of disdain would rain from being caught with such a monstrocity of hinge/face machine would kinda depend on if the observer knew off/applied to the theories and practices of the international champions and recognized , accreditated sources mentioned.
And Daniel's make better wheel chocks too:Monkey:
Or something like that