Last summer, we were driving a bit further than usual, almost an hour and a half each way, the mileage wasn’t as far as the travel time would suggest, it was more than 11 miles up a logging road, that had about 1/2-3/4 of a mile really washed out, but it was worth the trip.
The logs were from clearing fire breaks on the 2017 Eagle Creek Fire, and the upper layers of logs were averaging 11-13% moisture content, a few down to 9% and we were able to park the trailer right between 2 decks. Being able to haul 2 cords at a time made it more worth the trip
Plus, the scenery was spectacular, one of the previous pics was taken from right in front of the trailer
The logs were from clearing fire breaks on the 2017 Eagle Creek Fire, and the upper layers of logs were averaging 11-13% moisture content, a few down to 9% and we were able to park the trailer right between 2 decks. Being able to haul 2 cords at a time made it more worth the trip
Plus, the scenery was spectacular, one of the previous pics was taken from right in front of the trailer