how hard to find a Stihl 041 Super....

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ArboristSite Lurker
Oct 12, 2005
Reaction score
Cuba, AL
My dad was movin out of his house and needed a few extra buck.. so he went to the tool room and came back with a Stihl 041 Super, bought it from hin for 50 needs a coil..and the compression is a little on the low side. I have not been in this world long enough to know how rare they are so can ne one give me an idea? I have been told its is a very rare version of the 041... How hard would it be to find a an NOS piston and cylinder set? This saw is not for sale.
I have one. The coil should not be very hard to find because I think the coil on a regular 041 is the same and theres alot of them out there. If this saw does not have the electronic ignition get rid of the points and get a trigger module along with the coil from what ive heard the trigger coil is not much more than points. A electronic ignition is much better and more reliable and gives stronger spark. Also if this is not a anti vibe model then prepare to get your bones vibrated out of your hands because even with the av system they still vib bad. How hard is it to pull on can you lift the saw up with the pull cord if so then the comp is great. Good Luck.
I have seen a bunch of them on Ebay just browsing. Try that guy might have one for you. I think they are not rare but it's a good big saw and it was yoru dad's so we'll all understand you wanting to hang onto to it. Also it's possible one of these guys could hook you up with a jug and piston set....we'll have to see. Nice find...even with a complete rebuild 50 buck syou stole it. Watch ebay and you'll see what I mean.
Welcome aboard!

You can try cheapstihlparts via eBay. I bought an oiler for an 025 from them, but this is my first time dealing with them. Keep us posted on how it goes; we gotta keep AS chainsaw forum #1.
Knot Whole said:
Welcome aboard!

You can try cheapstihlparts via eBay. I bought an oiler for an 025 from them, but this is my first time dealing with them. Keep us posted on how it goes; we gotta keep AS chainsaw forum #1.

I've dealt with Bryce several times before, and have met him once or twice, as he's only a couple of hours from me. Good guy, and good to deal with.

And yes, welcome aboard.

carb. Have you got some pics? also tell me how good is the compression like in numbers or if you havent tested it can you pick it up with the pull cord. Because my 041 super elec av seems to not have good compression but ive tested it and it says 150 psi so yours might be the same.
Super041 i can pick it up with the cord... im gonna have a friend that owns a shop test it. I took the saw apart yester day to find that some idiot cut the wiring out of the saw!!!! nipped it all at the close that ther is no way to solder new wiring in it... ????