Which is always backed by the best wikipedia has to offer...
Just because my head is full of what my wife calls "useless information" does not give you justification to make that sort of accusation without something to "back" it.
I don't read Wikipedia, I find it politically and ideologically bias... but I occasionally use the reference lists when looking for something specific.
I've posted links to "back" my comments hundreds, maybe thousands of times, I don't remember ever posting a link to Wikipedia... in fact I can guarantee I never have (except maybe to point out how it is incorrect). I use what is refereed to as "deep web" or "invisible web" search engines (actually they're called "crawlers" or "spiders"). Search engines such as Google search the surface of the web (maybe 10-20% of what's out there)... spiders use the reference links contained in surface links to search, then go further by using the links contained in them, then go further by using the links contained in them, etc., etc., etc.
It ain't as easy as just typing in a set of search words in a free, open search engine... but it will reveal near unlimited information.
Here's a (Google) link to get you started. It may call itself the "ultimate guide", but it ain't... it barely scratches the surface. However it will begin to unlock some really neat stuff... where you take it from there is only limited by your imagination (and your ability to outsmart computer technology to find back doors).