True story...
I cannot wear a Timex or other cheap (OK, inexpensive) watches... they won't keep time and totally quit running in just a few days.
Several years ago I took a half dozen of them back to the local K-mart every week or two because they plain quit.
I was talkin' with a jeweler friend of mine he he told me that some people, a tiny minority of people, have that (unexplained) effect on cheap watches... unexplained, but still a real phenomenon.
He gave me a (relatively) expensive watch to try, if I remember correctly it was around $300.00, told me to wear it for a month and if it kept working I could come back and pay for it... if it didn't, I could give it back to him no strings. I wore that watch for several years before I smashed it all to hell by accident. I replaced it with a Walmart purchase, it quit in just a few days... I returned it three times for a replacement every few days until I just asked for my money back. Now I just use my cell phone to check the time.
True story...