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LarryTheCableGuy and SmokinDodge I said twice of what my wood guy can carry and that was 2 x 8 but i rounded it to 20 as it looks bigger but is hard to tell by looking at the pic.
Your absolutely right it's hard to tell by looking at the pic, damn near impossible. If there was more data presented like what size the bunks were and how high they are some one here could probably get close.
but i can see you are acting like a bunch of kids or more like your screen names so i am assuming you guys are rednecks that drink beer and are married to each others sisters ..
We never got married, that is what the common law is for. But thanks for the interest.
wood is what ya all know cuz its what puts food on the table ...
Not only do we know wood but we also know all kinds of other neat little things like how to capitilize letters. And how not to let some one half way across the world get under our skin.
so if you guys are so smart how much wood is there??
Again there really isn't enough information to be able to figure it correctly and since you don't want to listen to some one who has done two truck loads of this type:
I pay $700.00 U.S for the same size load , all around but not over 8 inches in diameter oak or maple , weve done 2 loads both worked out to be 17 - 18 full cords ,This is in northern Mi.
The only way you will exactly know is when Graystone gets it all split, stacked and counted.