Now that is interesting.
Could fit on my long trailer.
No one will come here.
Going to talk with a very good tree service I know of in the area who gives me logs and will deliver if provided with a spot in his working area. His lile is an hour away mostly poker straight large yellow pine. Some knotty some not. Everythingood is mostly south and easy of me about 45 minutes besides yard trees and tiny clearing jobs I may also look into. At this point subing everything out and being a walk onsite climber feels good. They don't worry about me and I won't need to worry about them. May look fir bonded companies only. This gives me a feel for how they operate and if they should be brought back or not. It's either this or waste time going north to qualify who knows who to deliver me logs as things with saws and mills starts to ramp up privately.
I'm interested in his better stuff that didn't quite make the mill grade. Bigger the better. Can salvage what I want and send the rest to be bucked and split at my local woodlot. That will be tiny with very limited space. Two years out is the plan for that but in the mean time getting sticks delivered still looks slim besides tree services. I have to go cut my own about an hour south. The trees are limited to a few old milling hardwoods and thin pencil pines in bad spot that was logged two years ago. The wind is taking out the row of about 60 trees. They will be timber frame members for sure. Hope to find some red cedar or white in the back swamp we haven't been to yet. I've only seen 65 of the 125 acres there.
Too many jokers around me local selling bent black walnut tree limbs and poor quality pin oak for 100 a log

Really is comical now online. Plus I stopped driving to log pile estimates for milling. It's done by eye now. No pics message, no service, real simple.
Does he sort the logs there or pull loads from the woods as they come out?
Tops or sticks?
Your not that far but it needs to be worth my half day, fuel and bridge tolls. Night rides.