It would be interesting to put a heat, or rather a temperature measuring, gun on a small air cooled engine at idle and at working speed to know if there is a difference. Which would be hotter?
Three saws that don't start right after stopping, and you keep on running them, your looking for trouble.
Its better to let the engine sit running for 30 seconds, that helps remove the heat generated in battle.
Did you ever take off the top cover and feel the gush of air coming off the fly wheel, up towards the fins,
that will help you understand just how important it is to let this air flow around the engine so it can cool it.
The opposite of this is, the engine is left to sweat in terrible hot conditions worse than when it was cutting,
with no air to cool it, because you turned it off.
As already mentioned, a muffler mod helps a lot, this gets the heat away from the piston and cylinder
more efficiently.
And old fuel, that is one sure way to cook an engine, it all adds up, a muffler that doesn't flow, fuel that
causes the engine to run hotter, turning off the engine before it has any chance to cool off and a hot day.
And your fully dependent on an autotune system to give your engine enough fuel to run well.
Did you empty all the fuel out of your saws before storage or parking them up for a while, if not this
also causes substantial problems.
Anyway, fresh fuel will definately help the situation, hopefully it will be of the correct octane rating and have no ethanol.