What do you use that bent twisted up wood for is it firewood ?
I'am glad the white crap is all disolved away no more snow for the rest of the year hopefully back to West Coast rain. The local logging contractors hate snow it screws everything up it is too hard to work in the bush on the West Coast when it snows.
I sure wouldn't want to be hauling logs down logging roads with 10% grades with snow on it. For the excavation contractors I work with didn't work in the snow you can't get the dump trucks through it and the excavators don't work well in the snow.
I was looking at Ryan's pictures it must be nice to have flat ground where you can run a skidder on. Skidders in this area rarely get used you would never beable to work on the slopes we have here. Hoe chucking is a better practice for this area then a self loading logging truck can pick up the wood at the road edge
The lot I'am working on doing some falling and cutting firewood on you can't get a machine on most of it without major hassles. I have been thinking about giving up the job of taking the firewood too much handwork.
The owner of the lot marked all the trees that have to be removed but I don't know if he wants to sell them for lumber or firewood. There are a couple nice firs they have grown on solid rock about 28"s at the butt 60' tall. There are some smaller ones that are leaners right towards powerlines I don't think I will be dropping those. There is a big one close to my parents house not one I want to touch.
There are a bunch of knarly cedar trees covered in limbs I'am not looking forward to dropping those I may get a climber to limb the SOBs. Once they are limbed they can be dropped in sections there is no way of getting a machine down on the slope to man handle the logs. The limbs have to be stacked into burn piles by hand the limbs the size of small trees
The logs that are worth anything for sawlogs I guess will have to be hoe chucked if a excavator can get onto the lower half of the lot. It is going to take minimum EX-200 Hitachi to drag the wood up the hill maybe bring in one of the local logging contractors EX 400 it would move the wood quick and devope the mountainside.
Enough rambling I feel bad for you guys that have to put up with snow 6 months of the year
It was 10 celcius (50 F) today enough to break out the T Shirts