And you can measure that pile of wood accurate to 6 digits to the right of the decimal? Hmmm...
The only time you should care how much is in, if you buy or sale.
Other wise, just burn it.
and it will always be short! just because a person may stack wood as tight as a "jig saw puzzle" don't mean you will be close to a cord. as we all know wood dries slow and fast which is affected by the elements! so if one's tightly stacked cord of wood is such the next person next door with the same cord of wood stacked and mind you a slow stacker will be short of wood! wood shrinks as it dries as we all know ? !?! / "RIGHT" !?! ??? LOL ???The standards of weight and measurements always quotes as “ tightly stacked”. I’d say it looks tight enough. You never get all the air space out. And I’ve seen much more airy stackes claimed to be a cord. When properly restacked tighter, it was almost a quarter of a cord short.
Just remember that a cord is 4 feet high by 4 feet wide by 8 feet long stacked.I was wondering if I should keep or scrap the bark, it was flaking off all of that oak....thought it might dry quicker without the bark too. I have way ton of this wood available so I'm looking to make as many stacks as possible and was curious how much I already had.
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