How much has this site helped your climbing?

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Member A.K.A Skwerl
Apr 30, 2001
Reaction score
I was thinking about how much we've learned here in the last couple years and thought I'd toss this out.
I see and hear young, new climbers like Budroe, Froggy, Mike and many more who come here and soak up all this info as they are taking their first steps in a saddle and compare their progress to mine when I didn't have this wonderful resource. I've kind of gone through it again as I've learned newer techniques and replaced my tautline hitch with a Distal and Pantin ascender. I'm thinking that this site has cut the learning curve by 50%-75% in using these new methods. I'm seeing new climbers with less than a year in the saddle asking about techniques I didn't figure out for 3-4 YEARS! And they are applying them as well!
So what has your experience been as far as what you've learned here and how fast you've improved compared to not having this site?
I have only been climbing w/rope and saddle since '98:rolleyes: .

I thought that was a long time until reading here. My climbing was progressing steadily until there was a plateau. I stayed in that place for a while.

This place has helped pushed me over that plateau and on to the next peak.

Climbing in my own time and lifting has also been a big help. I found that muscles, not ascenders, helped to compensate for a lack of upper body strength

This site has helped me locate and integrate new ropes, saddles, pulleys, throw lines.........

yup, it has made a change;)

I don't miss air-humping with a Blake's at all.

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After 20 years of being a good arborist but poor climber I am now a better arborist and a better(but still far from great) climber. Thanks everyone.:cool:
Good-bye hip thrusting, advancing climbing rope w/ pull hook, and blake......Hello yuppie climbing:D

ISA ought to give CEU's for time spent on AS.
Big help

When I began climbing in 1982 it was illegal to climb on a SYNTHETIC rope, we used hemp. I used a tautline and hauled a 20lb saw and a pruner. I thought I would be out of the game at 35 or 40. Looking at 45 soon I plan to climb until I die. Has Arborist Site helped? You bet. I try to keep up with the younger climbers. They may get up there faster than me (not by much) but must wait for me to ask some question about how to do this or that. Arborist Site has helped me look at other tools, gear, usages and techniques that used to take years to work through the industry. I can now listen to others discuss everything that comes up. Its like sitting at a bar, after work, talking with other arborists. Only this way we can't interupt each other. Everyone gets his or her say. Only problem is that we can't go out to the truck and get the gear and try it out. Please Please keep the discussions comming. If any of you can get to the East Coast of Canada give me a call, would love to do some climbing and be able to put a face and voice to the name.
HECK YEAH this site has done gave me some learnin'!:D Well, up until about 6-7 months ago I was practicing definite hack methods. (gaffs only) :eek: Not out of laziness, but just plain ignorance. I was self motivated w/ no one to teach me and just trying to figure it out on my own. That wasn't happening. My goal was to be able to climb more efficiently and be able to take on larger more technical jobs so I could quit turning down work. This site has allowed me to do that. Before I found Arbosite I started reading on the web and getting a general idea of how to climb on rope. Then I stumbled on this site ('bout 3 months ago) and I have jumped from "ingnoranimous" to somewhat competent climber. I know I have an unlimited amount of experience left to gain, but I feel that with out this site I would have never made it. Since I joined I have gotten my biz liscenses, insurance, and a ton of gear and yep, I'm seeing the enjoyment that this work brings and the $$$$ too!:D

Thanks for all the help folks of arbosite! ! !
When I had first came to Arboristsite I was mostly doing removals, and would ask friends to come and do pruning for me. Most of my strength lies in my legs as I have very weak shoulders. Thanks to the great people here, I am now able to get into tall trees to do pruning without the aid of gaffs or a ladder. I picked up a Pantin last spring, and just took delivery of a handled ascender a few days ago, which help me to compensate for lack of upper body strength. I just want to say thank you to all the great people here who have helped me. Just to name a few; JPS, Tom D., Brian, Brett, and all the rest of you guys. Even if you are brand new to climbing and ask something simple on here, you still get me thinking about how maybe I could do something different to be faster, or safer.
No doubt that this site has helped my climbing. I wouldn't give it all to Arborist site however, there are really about 4 sites total that have given me a boost, the isa board used to be a great source of info but I rarely go there now because it became so unreliable, and hard to navigate. That other site buzzing around also has a lot of THE BEST climbers to learn from, but like was mentioned before this site is kinda like pulling up a stool and chatting with some buddys over cold ones. Guys like Tom D. have helped me more than they will ever know. I learned a little climbing from people in the biz, but more than anything I learned to climb from the internet. When I tell people that, they look at me like I'm some kind of kook, but 5 more minutes of talking reveals that they learned on the job by guys doing this work for 20yrs, and they are using 20yr old techniques.
Thanks brothers!
I have followed this site daily for a year now and feel like I know you all. So, I finally decided that I should get in and say something. I too have learned a lot from this site. It has made me faster in my job and made me safer. I learned alot from the ideas thrown back and forth, and have used many of them myself. Good descriptions, drawings and pictures helped me learn that what seemed impossible just might be possible and reasonably safe. What I like too is that there is more to learn and apply and that's what I am here looking for.

Hello all

Sent a email to Brian but after reading this post thought it may help others so....

Got Pantin this week and gave to climber. He looked kind of funny swirling around trying to use Pantin

Using split tail W/ Blake and Micro pulley Any tips??


give it time

have someone tail the rope for the first few feet till enough rope weight is there for it to selftail.

Bet he looked funny when he first dtarted climbing too. I know I did.

I still do, like a trianed bear. Oh, no, thats OX. I look like Hermin Munster in a tree saddle.
Even after 35 years of climbing, I still pick up a lot on-line. I am really interested in the easier ways as I have passed 55, but still enjoy the work. I think the Pantin is my next purchase. It seems to be the thing to replace the hip thrust with. I also have some CMI ascenders that I occasionally use. Keep up the questions, photos and excellent drawings.

Bob Underwood, ND.

I was thinking this morning as I lurked that I haven't said thanks to everyone here who has helped me either directly or indirectly. I greatly appreciate those who have answered my questions when asked, but I also appreciate those who have shared their knowledge with others and indirectly with me as I search for solutions and read the past posts. You have no idea how much I have learned from all of you. Again, thank you so much for sharing knowledge and for all of your help.
Yes I know....what a suprise to see old SpikedSupra. What could he possibly be back for? Well I saw this thread and decided that I would comment...

This site is truly a wonderful site filled with hard working arborists sharing techniques. Its amazing what technology can accomplish. This site alone has probably raised the bar for good tree service all over the country.

I came to this site with not an idea of how to climb and only had two weeks experience in arboriculture, I know some of you remember. Well through the guidance of a few nice individuals here I got started on working my way to opening my own little tree service. I still consider myself only an amatuer climber and only accept jobs that I am capable of doing but it helps pay for the extra things in life while I go to school full time.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for having such a wonderful site and without all of the encouragement but mostly the DIScouragment I probably wouldnt have pursued it as hard.

Spiked Supra :)
The SITE has been a HUGE help for me!! The people are knowlegedable and know what they are talking about. special thanks to Brian, JPS, Mike, Roger, Rich and Treespider!!!!
I love to see everyone get something out of this place. All the personalities make this place the place that it is.

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