I can only wish it were that simplistic, but for many of us it ain't.
It ain't laziness, or an unwillingness... it's about "time".
I work 40-50 hours a week at a job that can be quite physically demanding at times. Then, using two
ride-on grass cutting machines I still spend 3-5 hours a week "clipping" grass this time of year (when the grass grows a half inch a day); if I was using a walk-behind I'd be mowing every single night until dark... I flat don't have that sort of "time". Up here, at the "new north pole

", I burn your "8 and a half cord" each winter, most of it elm and Bur Oak... spending an hour with a sledge and wedge for an armload of firewood just ain't an option. I need to make 8 or more cord of firewood each year just to break even. In the simplest terms, without hydraulics I wouldn't be able to heat with wood, there just wouldn't be enough available time to make enough firewood.
There just flat has to be enough time left over for all the other "things" that need to get done. And don't discount the time it requires to be a parent; not just the time spent interacting, but the time to attend activities, functions and whatnot. Yeah, staying active is good for the body, mind and soul, but there has to be a healthy balance, there has to be some kick-back time also... all batteries need a recharge at some point. I mean, really, how far do you take it?? If it's all about staying active, about physical activity... well... you could give up your chain saw for an axe and buck saw, "clip" your grass swinging a sharpened blade mounted to a stick.
As far as the earth mover.
I must have strange shaped/sized hands; I've never found a shovel, rake, hoe or whatever to fit my hands properly... they all just seem to slip clean out of them

Heck, I've even tried those "gripper" gloves and it weren't no help at all