Lil Red
ArboristSite Member
$70 isn't worth getting off the couch. Have you researched what "professionals" are charging in your area? Likely a few bucks more.
2.5 from start to finish. That is from looking at the two tree's to finished cleaning them up. Yes I have researched and more than just logging onto a forum. I guess you could say people who work in the tree industry in this area charge anywhere from $40-$60+ an hr. It was an easy job and I don't have tons of years such as yourselves so I take a step back, realize that my work isn't quite as efficient as some, and its not fair for the HO to make up that expense. Just in case you wanted to criticize why I charged her that.
People are missing what I was asking, I was not simply asking how much to charge her. I was aiming at the fact that she had more work but I don't work for free and was curious if cutting her a break would have any affect (all else things equal) on getting more work with her. I know in some instances, it doesn't really matter as the work needs to be done, but it might acceptable to cut a brake to secure more business or maybe its not needed.
Anyway, like I said, its done and over with. Next time I will keep to myself.

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