How much wood can be dropped on concrete without breaking it?

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My understanding of turtles and bugs...i.e. salmonella, was that in the days of the rage of 'ninja turtles' people were buying the quarter sized red eared turtles for their kids, and some young'uns tried to eat salmonella...DUH!!!
Every time I see a box turtle, I am reminded of how much our world has changed. When I was young, you would see them all over the highways every spring, getting run over in traffic while they were searching for a mate.

I do not see that very often anymore. Even their crushed little carcasses on the highway are pretty unusual nowadays.

On the rare occasions that I find a box turtle alive on the road, I stop, pick them up, and transport them somewhere safe away from the highway.
My bad, it was 101. Sorry, pessimist.
Jeff :)

Is he really, or is it just the hard truth that alot of us have faced? I would love to be an optimist, but it's been pretty tight, lately. I switch off days with the other groundie so we both get hours...and that's not even touching on dealing with all the low-balling and competition (armchair/uninsured and otherwise) around here. Think it will take a bit of time for it all to recover, but that's why we have so many side projects going on.
What ever happened to these pics we were supposed to see... I'm thinking that pine finished off FTA's desire for the treeworkie?? ... been awfully quiet lately he has..
Is he really, or is it just the hard truth that alot of us have faced? I would love to be an optimist, but it's been pretty tight, lately. I switch off days with the other groundie so we both get hours...and that's not even touching on dealing with all the low-balling and competition (armchair/uninsured and otherwise) around here. Think it will take a bit of time for it all to recover, but that's why we have so many side projects going on.

You need to look at the 'Big Picture!',
Jeff :)
Not really into still-art. The picture I am looking at is big enough as it is...and I think the explaination provided was pretty illustrative of alot of the more concerning topics that have been touched upon in this off-topic thread.

Still, regardless of my preferences and (supposedly limited) vision, I would much rather see pictures of the broken or not concrete than debate economics...
You need to look at the 'Big Picture!',
Jeff :)

The big picture ok hmmmmm. I look at it from a different perspective than many but here is the way I see it. Big business is the root of the problem , their persuasion in politics is disinfected in the name of safety. In the end they want only hourly workers and their agenda is obtained by regulating the small entrepreneur out of business by racketeering with CEO /government relationship setting unobtainable expectations on all contractors until only the fat corporate monsters get the pieces of cake. It is greed, un-ethical business practice made to look angelic by labeling it safety regulations. Much of these corporate entities actually have more accidents than their smaller counterparts because hourly employees held up by corporate welfare are not given any participation other than what their superiors allow. In fact the superiors many times are not superior at all and flunked business ethics from conception in their early careers. I was told early in life that crime don't pay but when viewed in the big picture that I am describing it would seem it pays big dividends. CEO/politicians are not the low paid individuals yet are much of the time involved in un-ethical un-lawful behaviors :)
The big picture ok hmmmmm. I look at it from a different perspective than many but here is the way I see it. Big business is the root of the problem , their persuasion in politics is disinfected in the name of safety. In the end they want only hourly workers and their agenda is obtained by regulating the small entrepreneur out of business by racketeering with CEO /government relationship setting unobtainable expectations on all contractors until only the fat corporate monsters get the pieces of cake. It is greed, un-ethical business practice made to look angelic by labeling it safety regulations. Much of these corporate entities actually have more accidents than their smaller counterparts because hourly employees held up by corporate welfare are not given any participation other than what their superiors allow. In fact the superiors many times are not superior at all and flunked business ethics from conception in their early careers. I was told early in life that crime don't pay but when viewed in the big picture that I am describing it would seem it pays big dividends. CEO/politicians are not the low paid individuals yet are much of the time involved in un-ethical un-lawful behaviors :)

...LOL...I keep thinking of how many people went to jail, lost everything, and were even killed for "running numbers" in the past. Now we call it LOTTO.