How much would you pay for this splitter?

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Splitter value

Unless you can really operate the think and check for leaks I wouldn't pay more than $500 for it. I realize that used splitters are hard to find, and it will probably go for $600, but I'd rather spend $1000 or a little more for a new one with warranty. Of course I would find a low horizontal splitter like that one useless for the wood I often handle.

My friend that ive been cutting with for the last couple of weekends has a boughten splitter very similar to the one posted here. It is branded by John Deere and it is a wood splitting SOB, kinda slow but it will split anything that you can roll up onto it. The only drawbacks to it that I can see are that it is slow and the beam is only a few inches from the ground which keeps you bent over all day. However being low to the ground came in handy on those 30" +/- rounds of Oak that we were splitting the weekend before last.
... The only drawbacks to it that I can see are that it is slow and the beam is only a few inches from the ground which keeps you bent over all day. However being low to the ground came in handy on those 30" +/- rounds of Oak that we were splitting the weekend before last.
Dusty, I don't see how you split those logs at all with a horizontal splitter. That beast had to swing up for vertical operation. If it didn't, then you and your helper(s) were strong as apes or oxen.

Shucks, Dusty, I can't even drag a 30" dia. oak billet onto the pickup truck with a winch. The tailgate would probably snap like a dry twig. So, I don't even try to load oak rounds that big. I have no choice but to try to hand split that onsite and then load the split wood. :bowdown:
Dusty, I don't see how you split those logs at all with a horizontal splitter. That beast had to swing up for vertical operation. If it didn't, then you and your helper(s) were strong as apes or oxen.

Shucks, Dusty, I can't even drag a 30" dia. oak billet onto the pickup truck with a winch. The tailgate would probably snap like a dry twig. So, I don't even try to load oak rounds that big. I have no choice but to try to hand split that onsite and then load the split wood. :bowdown:

he's probably much younger than we are.
Until I got the loader for my tractor 2 years ago,I put everything on the splitter by hand.I've put some 42-48" rounds on by rolling them up a 10"2x12 settimg on the bottom lip of the I beam.When you don't know any better,you can do about anything
LOL, we cut those rounds about 16 inches long and roll them, no lifting, like I said his splitter is only about 6" off of the ground. Im 39 and Jack is 45 and neither of us are very big men. were supposed to cut some Locust today and I will try to get some pictures taken of his splitter.:cheers:
OP - I'd go $500 and sleep fine tonite. As stated earlier (and I can relate to this personally) the parts are worth well over the $500 price so if you're willing to customize it to make it exactly how you desire than its a good deal.

Dusty - you have a splitter made by Didier Mfg. I can almost 100% guarantee it by your description. Its a low, low, low, pita to run for long peroids of time and was sold by J.D. They made the same unit for sears, j.c. penny, and a number of other places. I have one myself that I bought for some of the components. After a major overhaul it looks like the pic I've attached.

BTW, how do you get the pic to appear without the link?
Dusty, I don't see how you split those logs at all with a horizontal splitter. That beast had to swing up for vertical operation. If it didn't, then you and your helper(s) were strong as apes or oxen.

Shucks, Dusty, I can't even drag a 30" dia. oak billet onto the pickup truck with a winch. The tailgate would probably snap like a dry twig. So, I don't even try to load oak rounds that big. I have no choice but to try to hand split that onsite and then load the split wood. :bowdown:

AGREE STRONGLY, will beat a splitter like that with a maul and a bungee strap
A friend of mine has one like that,stoopid exhaust blew right in your face,I cut the pipe turned 180 and welded it back together.